By Project Bread - Fri, 11/21/2008 - 12:05pm

EAST BOSTON — Struggling families and elders have support to help them obtain food stamp benefits in this tough economy. Project Bread, the state’s leading antihunger organization, has granted $15,600 to Action for Boston Community Development – Child Care Choices of Boston (ABCD), a community-based organization providing over 6,000 low-income families with access to child care. The grant enables ABCD to help more families take advantage of the federal Food Stamp Program.

By Project Bread - Thu, 11/20/2008 - 12:01pm

November 20, 2008 — EAST BOSTON — Struggling families and elders have support to help them obtain food stamp benefits in this tough economy. Project Bread, the state’s leading antihunger organization, has granted $15,600 to the Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC), a community-based organization offering advocacy assistance for individuals and families who are or may be eligible for federal or state benefits. The grant enables the CEOC to help more families take advantage of the federal Food Stamp Program.

By Project Bread - Thu, 11/20/2008 - 11:56am

November 20, 2008 — EAST BOSTON — Struggling families and elders have support to help them obtain food stamp benefits in this tough economy. Project Bread, the state’s leading antihunger organization, has granted $15,600 to AVANCE, Inc., a community-based organization serving the Latino population in East Boston. The grant enables AVANCE, Inc. to help more families take advantage of the federal Food Stamp Program. The money is part of $229,800 total funding Project Bread recently granted to 18 community organizations to promote food stamp enrollment throughout the state.