A high-school student in Franklin, one of those normally quiet towns along 495, was jeered and heckled Tuesday night when she tried to discuss how LGBTQ students are treated at Franklin High School. It got so bad, the committee chairwomian had to gavel the meeting into a recess and call in police to keep order after adults in the back just wouldn't stop yelling. Read more.
Franklin Matters posts a copy of an alert from Town Administrator Jamie Hellen that a town employee provided what should have been secure login information that enabled a hacker to drain $522,000 from town accounts. Read more.
Lyss photographed a Mass. redneck driving around Franklin the other day.
Stephen Sherlock notes his train into Boston actually arrived at South Station on time.
This time it was on commuter-rail tracks in Franklin this morning. Charlie on the Commuter Rail reports:
Invisible Man reports on a medical emergency on an overstuffed 715 train out of Franklin this past Friday:
Suggestion 7,012 for how to increase T ridership by not pissing off existing riders so much they all go out and buy SUVs: If you need to have a train stop at the wrong platform, see if the