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Coolidge Corner

By adamg - 9/24/08 - 8:36 pm

Matt reports on Dennis Lehane's book reading/signing in Coolidge Corner last night.

By adamg - 7/2/08 - 8:17 pm

Boston Foodie would return to "new American" Lineage in Coolidge Corner:

... It always makes me extremely happy when I hear wonderful things about a restaurant and find that they are true, especially when the concept is so simple. Good food, at good prices, delivered with finesse- you cant beat a well executed meal!

By adamg - 6/20/08 - 3:41 pm

Kineferous was in Coolidge Corner yesterday. He took the video with his cellphone and describes (click on More Info on the right) the chaotic scene and the way so many people quickly rushed in to help after the fatal accident.

By adamg - 6/19/08 - 6:06 pm

Harvard and Babcock streets, in front of the Gap around 5:30 p.m., at least four vehicles involved; numerous injuries reported. Ryan files this dispatch:

Both vehicles were crushed but one was much worst than the other -- completely minced. At my count there were at least three fire trucks, four ambulances and a swarm of police cars. They were closing down Harvard Street from Beacon down to (at least) the accident area, including the sidewalks. All the pedestrians were in the process of being rerouted.

By adamg - 5/7/08 - 9:59 am

Andy reports on the screening of the original "House of Wax" at the Coolidge Corner's 3D Film Festival:

... Perhaps the best part of watching a 3D movie is walking home from the theatre, and the funny looks one gets along the way. ...

By adamg - 1/10/08 - 8:01 pm

Liam is on the 66 bus when a woman tries to get on in Coolidge Corner with an SUV-sized baby stroller:

By adamg - 12/5/07 - 4:57 pm

And then the kid, 14, lied to police to make it seem he wasn't robbed inside the store to protect those employees, the Tab reports. If its account of yesterday's armed robbery at the Coolidge Corner Foot Locker is true, can I ask: What the hell is wrong with people?

By adamg - 12/5/07 - 10:40 am

UPDATE: The Tab reports Foot Locker employees told the victim in the first incident not to call police - and that he was robbed inside the store, not outside as he initially told police.

Brookline Police report on a pair of incidents yesterday:

Around 4:16 p.m., a teen was held up at gunpoint at 319 Harvard St.:

By adamg - 12/4/07 - 2:51 pm

Wanted for lifting a $160 pair of sneakers from a Harvard Street shop this past Saturday.

By adamg - 12/1/07 - 5:40 pm

Yes, the Hebrew Hammer is back in town; Kristen spots him at the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse:

... We theorized that he was popping in to check the score so that he'd know how to gauge the mood of noted Packers fan Tiffany Ortiz before ducking over to the Ortiz residence to hang with Papi. Probably a wise move on his part. ...

By adamg - 11/21/07 - 2:37 pm

Seething resentment mounts between employees of the Radio Shack and the T-Mobile store.

By adamg - 11/10/07 - 9:09 pm

Martin Lieberman doesn't generally like the idea of chains in Coolidge Corner, but says he'll make an exception for Panera Bread, which just opened where Zathmary's used to be:

... Between this and the Citibank and Qdoba next door, they've given new life to that chunk of the sidewalk with their clean, modern looks, and I welcome a new food option that actually offers good food, as opposed to the unhealthy Quizno's or the cramped unworthiness of Finagle-a-Bagel. ...

By adamg - 11/5/07 - 4:21 pm

Deer on the loose in Coolidge Corner!

Marcia Heist just reported that a doe bolted up her Centre Street driveway, in hot pursuit by an unmarked BPD car. The deer jumped a fence and headed down an alley by Beauty and Style, toward Harvard Street.

By adamg - 9/4/07 - 9:03 am
Truck on its side in Brookline

Jeff Egnaczyk took this photo early this morning:

I heard a boom, looked over and saw the truck crashing on its side.

WBZ-TV reports that three people were hurt (and the commute made a complete mess) when a truck apparently tried to beat a trolley at Charles and Beacon around 6:45 a.m.

By adamg - 6/12/07 - 3:22 pm

A couple days before Brother Nathanael had his run-in with police at Trader Joe's, Rhine watched and photographed him at the end of his shift - at 6 p.m., he put away his giant crucifix, folded up his stuff and left that traffic island he screams from when not yelling at little old Jewish ladies at Trader Joe's. And then Rhine noticed that Brother Nathanael had dropped something:

By adamg - 6/11/07 - 9:42 am

Lyss is there with a camera as Brookline Police try to get Coolidge Corner fixture Brother Nathanael to leave Trader Joe's patrons alone:

Seems his signs and loud praising of Jesus was weirding out the customers. They complained to the staff, who in turn called the authorities. ...

Overheard in Boston:

By adamg - 2/22/07 - 9:19 am

Marty wonders if the town of Brookline is just going to wait for the spring thaw to take care of Babcock Street along the parking lot in Coolidge Corner:

... [I]f this is community property that doesn't fall under the aegis of a landlord, then doesn't this strip of sidewalk belong to the town of Brookline? And if the weather's been warm the past two days, wouldn't it make sense to clear the sidewalk now? ...

By adamg - 2/12/07 - 8:32 am

Charlie on the MBTA rounds up blogger T posts and adds his own tale:

... Tonight I was on a #66 bus that blew through Coolidge Corner without stopping because the driver said "I'm running late, there is another bus behind me." When I got off just before Harvard Square I grabbed a coffee at Dunkin Donuts on JFK St and watched to see how soon the next bus would arrive. It was 24 minutes. ...

By adamg - 10/7/06 - 8:21 pm

Yoav walks from Harvard Square to Coolidge Corner in less time than if he had waited for the 66 bus:

... I saw no 66 bus at the station, started walking, kept on going, and was never passed by a 66 bus. How odd is that? The bus was supposed to run at regular 10 minutes intervals at that time, and I took a good 40-45 minutes to walk. ...

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