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House of Blues

By adamg - 5/4/10 - 1:16 pm

For the second time in a month, the House of Blues faces possible penalties from the Boston Licensing Board, this time for a Feb. 15 incident in which a Boston officer found an underage BC student drinking a beer she got with somebody else's out-of-state license.

Last month, the board ordered the House of Blues to shut for three days because fire inspectors found partially blocked exits during a show. The music hall will shut June 6, 7 and 8.

By adamg - 4/13/10 - 12:51 pm

If he wants to avoid the fate of the Disco Biscuits, whose March 19 show at the Lansdowne Street music hall ended abruptly when Boston fire inspectors and police shut the place down after inspectors found band members lighting up back stage and exits partially blocked by beer kegs and a trash barrel.

By mmurph - 12/23/08 - 10:05 am

The Phoenix reports that the new "House of Blues Boston" will be opening in February at 15 Lansdowne, replacing the former Avalon and Axis clubs. The venue has announced the starting lineup just in time for the annual Dropkick Murphys St. Patrick's Day Week concerts.

House of Blues Hits Lansdowne

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