Jeff Boudreau reports the UMass Boston station is ending the Grateful Dead Hour on Jan. 12.
WUMB radio has sponsored a music festival since 1998, called 'Boston Folk Festival' through 2009 but renamed 'WUMB Music Festival' for 2010 and 2011.
But not this year. The festival web site announces:
The 2012 WUMB Music Fest scheduled for Sunday, June 3rd has been cancelled.
The site says a 'Member Concert Marathon' will replace it on that date, but this appears to be for WUMB members only rather than for the general paying public.
Need an alternative to WODS and WROR? WUMB is streaming Chanukah music 24/7.
What do WGBH-fm, WUMB-fm and now Club Passim all have in common? An aversion to the peoples' music. Each has gone to great lengths to re-invent themselves, scrubbing their programming and websites of the F word (folk, that is).
The first to go was "Folk Radio WUMB" (UMass Boston), when it accepted federal funding from NPR and CPB, which mandated a format change to AAA. Read Wahlberg and gang take over oyster house, 1/2/09.
Notlob decries changes to WUMB - and the newly rebranded WUMB Music Festival (nee Boston Folk Festival).
WGBH tells the Globe that when the purchase of WCRB goes through, it will eliminate folk and blues programs because there are other outlets for that in Boston (so good news for WUMB, Boston's other other public radio station) and it wants to keep its programming "unique." And by unique, it means adding news and information shows just like the ones WBUR and WBZ already broadcast.
Bad weather washed out ticket sales for this year's festival, leaving WUMB radio with a $12,000 loss. So there will be no festival next year.