Seized barrels
By adamg - 9/21/22 - 2:01 pm

State Police report arresting five Extinction Rebellion climate-change protesters they say were getting ready to use several pink 55-gallon drums outfitted so they could lock arms through them to make traffic even worse than usual this morning on the Leverett Circle Connector and on the ramps that connect to it. Read more.

By adamg - 1/15/21 - 9:18 pm

State Police report that sometime before 6:20 p.m., a driver flew off I-93 southbound at the Leverett ramp, landing on the ramp rather than continuing to plunge down to the ground or water. The driver was taken to the hospital "conscious and alert," State Police say. NECN reports the driver, a 19-year-old from Lynn, was standing next to his car when troopers arrived.

Tire with no rubber left
By adamg - 12/25/20 - 9:28 pm

State Police credit the lack of traffic early this morning for the lack of any crashes due to a Reading man speeding down I-93 southbound on the northbound side from Wilmington all the way to Leverett Circle, where he got on Storrow Drive the wrong way before finally getting cornered in a parking lot near Mass. General. Read more.

By adamg - 11/9/20 - 6:46 pm

State Police report arresting two men wanted in Stoneham for shoe shoplifting and dragging a police officer with their car, after they couldn't decide where to go when they got into Leverett Circle this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 12/12/19 - 5:44 pm

WHDH reports this afternoon is not a good time to be anywhere near downtown, Beacon Hill, the West End, etc., at least, in a car. Read more.

Car on a ramp off I-93
By adamg - 4/24/18 - 10:00 am

Lindsey Mason came upon the aftermath of a crash shortly before 9 a.m. on the Leverett Connector, way up in the air.

Dan Esdale reports several cars were involved.

Rescuing two people from a car in the Charles River
By adamg - 11/7/15 - 7:39 pm

Updated Sunday a.m. with latest State Police info.

State Police report a driver from North Smithfield, RI ran a red light at Leverett Circle, sideswiped a car, then crashed through a fence and into the Charles River, killing himself and his passenger.
Read more.

By adamg - 7/28/15 - 4:04 pm

State Police reported around 3:55 p.m. that the ramp from Leverett Circle to 93 south is shut so a crew can remove a disabled truck. EZRide Shuttle reports that translates into 30-minute delays getting through the circle.

Moron driver on Storrow Drive
By adamg - 2/25/15 - 10:12 am

Brian Vogel reports he drove with this guy "from Back Bay to Storrow and onto 93s."

A mobile snowbank on Huntington Avenue.

Near Storrowing on Storrow Drive in Boston
By adamg - 11/6/14 - 9:49 am

Christopher was among the commuters who had plenty of time to ponder the issue on the ramp to Storrow Drive from I-93 this morning, when a truck driver suddenly realized that, hey, that sign wasn't fooling.

By adamg - 8/5/13 - 5:07 pm

A Boston Municipal Court judge today set bail at $10,000 for Vivencia Bellegarde, charged with OUI and ramming into a Boston Globe delivery truck that plunged 40 feet off I-93 onto a Leverett Circle exit ramp, the Suffolk County District Attorney's offi

By adamg - 2/20/13 - 1:11 pm

MassDOT alerts us that, once again, you'd best avoid Leverett Circle during the evening rush due to those still uncompleted repairs.

By adamg - 12/4/12 - 7:50 am

At 5:54 a.m., MassDOT tweeted:

By Kaz - 9/23/10 - 9:58 am

I just received notice at work from our building's transportation coordinator that the Craigie Bridge will have major lane closures this winter to repair the bridge.

By adamg - 3/3/09 - 9:48 am

Mats Tolander posts photos from yesterday's "unimpressive" nor'easter, including one of an 18-wheeler whose driver suddenly realized he wasn't going to make it out of the tunnel from I-93 to Storrow Drive in one piece and so stopped just in time - but after he blew by the "NO TRUCKS" sign.