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By adamg - 7/5/06 - 10:20 pm

Still, Steve's experience does nothing to help convince me to switch from Speakeasy DSL.

By adamg - 5/10/06 - 10:19 pm

Unless you want to suffer through five cancelled service appointments and other annoyances, as described by MartiniPundit:

... We made another appointment for Saturday 1-3.

Nothing. I had called about 1:30 to confirm the appointment, but after 3pm passed, I called again. At this time, I was informed that the appointment had been cancelled at 1:03 nearly a half hour before I called and received confirmation that the appointment was on. ...

By adamg - 3/18/06 - 9:21 pm

On Vermilion Dreams, Calla reports her day was anything but Comcastic.

By adamg - 2/15/06 - 1:07 pm

Reports are coming in from across the region that Comcast still sucks.

In Hopkinton, John Gallant, who sits on the town cable advisory committee, pens a letter to Comcast CEO Brian Roberts on the occasion of the company hiking its rates just as the town begins negotiations with Verizon, which claims it can offer the same services over its FiOS system for 8 to 15% less a month:

By adamg - 2/7/06 - 11:25 am

Jenny has a heart-to-heart with her Internet service:

... Cut the crap and just work flawlessly already. It's not fun resetting the modem/router oh every 10 minutes when I'm home. What the eff, dollface? ...

By adamg - 11/4/05 - 2:25 pm

Go figure: When Comcast wants to cut off your cable service, they might send out a guy to literally cut your cable. Steve reports that when his Internet service went out and Comcast sent out a technician, the guy promptly discovered the reason why: Steve's 'Net access came via one of the wires to the other apartment in his building - which another Comcast technician had severed the day before.

By adamg - 10/2/05 - 11:53 pm

Adam went to see the Comcast on-demand video of the recent debate between Tom Menino and Maura Hennigan only to discover Comcast only kept it up for only 48 hours:

I don't understand why it's not just online - it seems to that political debates are the ideal sort of non-copyright-sensitive content that ought to be freely available on the Internet.

So, anybody know if the debate is online? If not, anybody have a videotape they could lend Adam so he could translate it to digital and post it?

By adamg - 8/23/05 - 11:39 am

Boston has a certain status in the gay community these days, what with that marriage thing and all, so Karl wonders why Comcast in Boston still isn't carrying LoGo, a gay-oriented cable network. Just to make sure it wasn't hiding amidist our 900 channels, he does some quick clicking. Doesn't find it, but instead discovers Dating: On Demand:

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