By adamg - Tue, 07/14/2009 - 4:06pm

Today's Boston election roundup:

Chris Kulikoski, running against District 1 (North End, East Boston, Charlestown) incumbent Sal LaMattina, says the city needs to find new ways to combat rats. He said "rats as big as cats" scurry around near his Charter Street home after dark and that the city might have to take steps such as banning leaving trash on the street overnight: "Presently, trash sits out all night for next-day collection. Since rats are nocturnal, it only makes sense not to leave trash out overnight for rates to feast on. These are not the feasts the North End should be known for."

By adamg - Fri, 06/12/2009 - 5:02pm

Chris Kulikoski, running against incumbent Sal LaMattina in district 1 (North End, East Boston and Charlestown) says he would work to eliminate Bunker Hill Day and Evacuation Day as paid city holidays:

Boston has a proud history and Bunker Hill Day and Evacuation Day are certainly part of that history. However, when the city, the state and the country are in a financial crisis, now is the time to look at saving taxpayer money and to phase out these holidays for city workers. When we are potentially laying off school teachers, police and firefighters, it is irresponsible to defend these benefits that ordinary taxpayers don’t enjoy. We all love holidays, but I would suggest that if city councilors and city workers want those days off, they take a personal day - like the rest of us have to.

The city council this week passed a resolution - sponsored by LaMattina - to oppose efforts in the state legislature to eliminate the two holidays, on which city and state workers, and public-school students, in Suffolk County get paid days off.

Bunker Hill Day is this Wednesday.

By adamg - Fri, 05/29/2009 - 8:27pm

KulikoskiChris Kulikoski of the North End said today he'd been certified for the ballot this fall for the city council seat now held by Sal LaMattina.

Kulikoski, a former teacher who now runs the Mazzaro Family Market on Salem Street in the North End, was to formally announce his candidacy at party at Joe's American Bar and Grill tonight:

It is time that city government was better attuned to the working people, families and retirees of the city. Being a city councilor means representing everybody and looking out for the specific needs of each neighborhood – not catering to the well-connected.

He pointed to neighborhood schools, public safety, the structure of the city council and cleaner streets and parks as his major issues.

Campaign Web site.