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enterprise 2.0

By jeffcutler - 6/16/10 - 10:15 am

The Enterprise 2.0 Conference is still going on. The numbers jumped significantly from Monday to Tuesday and it's - in my opinion - pretty well attended now. That said, I did a quick eval of the conference through the Wednesday morning sessions.

Go read it here.

What events have you been to lately in town? Anything great coming up? Share in the comments.

By jeffcutler - 6/14/10 - 2:36 pm

Still at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference at the Westin Waterfront Hotel and I'm now in a Communilytics session. What are Communilytics? Well, it's actually the measurement of community numbers. So, how people in a community-based group, like Twitter or Facebook or even blogs or Expedia or other online areas-respond and react to each other and the platform itself.

Essentially, measuring communilytics is like finding out what people are doing on your sites and understanding how people are connected to other people and who the influencers are.

By jeffcutler - 6/23/09 - 9:59 am

As mentioned in an earlier post, I'm covering the Enterprise 2.0 Conference at the Westin Waterfront Hotel. And the only reason I'm able to upload my stories to Universal Hub are the EVDO access I have on my laptop.

By jeffcutler - 6/23/09 - 9:02 am

Having covered upwards of a dozen technology events in the past year, there's been one constant at each conference or seminar - each leans unabashedly toward the magic of social media tools and techniques.

As was true with the Cable show at the Hynes this winter, the buzz at Enterprise 2.0 is all about building communities, leveraging Web tools, and lowering the barrier to communicating with your chosen networks.

What's that mean?

It means that businesses, as always, are searching for the low-hanging fruit in their efforts to find new customers and build their company's success.

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