Yes, Carr still has a radio show. CNN provides the details.
Yesterday, the Globe gave Cape and Islands DA Michael O'Keefe all the space he needed to sputter about (((George Soros))) and the true cause of all the crime in Boston today: Black kids in saggy pants who listen to the hip hop. Read more.
The Globe's Yvonne Abraham explains why she's been missing for the past four months: She was recovering from a concussion.
The Herald's Howie Carr, meanwhile, broke his elbow and wrist while bicycling early this morning.
John Carroll ponders coffee, selling for $10.99 a bag, that features Howie Carr's rictus on the front.
For people who enjoy a good car wreck, skip to 2:00 in this video. Right-winger Shiva Ayyadurai, who says he invented e-mail and who is one of several Republicans looking to run against Elizabeth Warren next year, accuses Howie Carr - Howie Carr - of being a "Fake Trumper." Carr responds in classic Carr fashion - by pulling out copies of the records related to Ayyadurai's 2005 arrest on a charge of domestic assault and battery against his then girlfriend (Naturally, Carr also posted copies of those records).
H/t Ron.
Behold the following Twitter exchange between our resident professional crank and our resident mayor:
— Mayor Marty Walsh (@marty_walsh) January 26, 2017
H/t VinnieTesla.
The Globe reports local columnist Howard Louis Carr, Jr. has been granted a leave of absence from his radio show on WRKO.
Dan Kennedy has a tip for the crusty columnist - and his apparently on-an-extended-break copy editor:
When mocking someone for misspelling a state legislator’s name, try extra hard not to misspell the name of a congresswoman.
Like Globies Shelley Murphy and Kevin Cullen, the Herald's Howie Carr can also watch the Bulger trial from the public seats, judge rules.
Thin-skinned flacks show displeasure at Romney op-ed piece; ban Herald from today's traffic blocker visit.
Wah, poor Howie Carr is upset Scott Brown went to "60 Minutes" to shill his book instead of to him.
Wah, poor Mike Andelman at the Phantom Gourmet is upset a hostess at Grill 23 wouldn't seat him and his fellow Phantom Gourmet'er before the dining room opened:
It's 5 o'clock, and guess what, if the owner of Grill 23 was standing next to this dumb hostess, this moronic hostess who was just getting her, uh, jollies off by sticking to the rules of her little brochure in a little binder, this little monkey, her only job is to look at this binder and say don't let people in 'till 5:30. ...
Dan: Although in her defense she was good-looking apparently. I'd like to see a picture. Was she wearing yoga pants? These are things I want to know. I have a thing for hostesses.
At least their resident fatboy had the decency to admit he got his surgery for free.
The cable news network today suspended Keith Olbermann for making campaign donations to three Democratic candidates last month.
This contrasts with the Herald's Howie Carr. In addition to speaking at and hosting Republican fundraisers this year, the columnist last month gave $100 to Wellesley state Rep. candidate Royall Switzler, according to records on file at the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance.
Had a great laugh this morning reading the Boston Herald. First there was this story:
WRKO radio host Howie Carr has lodged a trio of complaints against the station with the state Attorney General's office, seeking unpaid bonuses and a pay raise in the three years since his bosses thwarted his attempt to defect to rival WTKK.
The Herald received the complaints from the Attorney General's office under a Freedom of Information Act request. Carr declined comment this week.
Wait, is this the same Howie Carr that bashes state employees, elected (Democratic) officials and government overall as hacks and taxpayer ripoffs? Why yes it is. But when he has a problem with his employer, where does Howie Carr go? To a government agency and asks help from public employees.
And guess what - those public employees (always hacks in Howie's retread columns) did their jobs and protected Howie's rights (including getting him 2 backpay checks).
Vennochi goes after "Ernie Boch III," the not-the-car-dealer trying to organize a boycott of Howie Carr's advertisers:
The blogosphere opened up the public conversation to new, thoughtful voices, but it should not provide a shield to hide biases and private agendas.
Oh, excuse me, Miss High and Mighty.
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