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Alex Beam

By adamg - 12/17/10 - 12:18 pm

Who says nobody still reads Alex Beam? Soccer fans in Liverpool want Beam fired because in an otherwise forgettable column about how John Henry and friends now own the team, he called a soccer-stadium disaster in which 96 people died "a riot" - and described Liverpool as "grotty." As Tetteh Otuteye, a lifelong Liverpool fan now living in Boston writes:

The entire piece was not merely disrespectful and rude, but showed a shocking lack of journalistic integrity – repeating unsubstantiated claims, and not even suggesting that Mr. Beam made even a cursory effort at researching the tragedy and its aftermath. Clearly he made no such effort as such sincere reporting would have interfered with his scathing attack on Liverpool, the city, fans and club. His characterization of the City as "Grotty Liverpool - Worcester without the glitz" only further cemented his obvious ignorance and bias. Liverpool was designated by the European Union as the 2008 European Culture of Capital - hardly consistent with his foul portrayal of the city at all.

No word if anybody from Worcester has written the Globe to complain.

WGBH's "Beat the Press" discusses l'affaire Beam tonight at 7 p.m.

By adamg - 8/25/09 - 3:04 pm

Alex Beam harrumphs again about these kids and their newfangled "digital" cameras, or something:

I suppose civic journalism has morphed into laughable "citizens" journalism, where random jokers point their cellphones at news events and dilate accordingly. Did you follow the Huffington Post's inane "citizen ground level campaign coverage" feature "Off the Bus" last year? Don't feel bad; no one else did either.

Do you follow Beam's inane ranting about kids on his lawn? Don't feel bad, no one else does either, now that he's back of the funny pages. I only heard about his column today by reading about it on Adam Reilly's blog.

By adamg - 8/16/08 - 10:53 am

Alex Beam reinforces his position as Grand Fuddy Duddy of Boston journalism with a column about how he just doesn't get this Twitter thing. But, ooh, look, he has an "e-dress," so you can send him one of those newfangled "text" messages from your "cell" phone to explain it to him!

Can't you just imagine him in 1850 complaining about the telegraph?

Don't get. Stop. Know nobody in California. Stop. What waste of money. Stop.

By adamg - 10/3/07 - 9:50 am

Alex Beam devotes five whole minutes to write up a list of all the things he doesn't use and all the authors he doesn't read. Also, he lets us know he doesn't live in Brooklyn. Just in case we were wondering. Which, let's be honest, we weren't.

Joe Keohane imagines Globe Editor Marty Baron's reaction and not so gently suggests it's time for Beam to either retire or die.

By adamg - 4/18/07 - 8:14 pm

The Globe features department is following up its 9,000-part series on Women: Is there nothing they can't do? with a new series on "Gays: Is there nothing they can't touch?" Latest to discover the Gay is Alex Beam, who today asked:

... Is there any element of contemporary culture that hasn't been appropriated by gays? Or, phrased another way: Hey, gay people! Give me my stuff back, OK? ...

By adamg - 11/20/06 - 11:46 am

Dan Kennedy writes that next time Alex Beam wants to complain about a blogger's grammar, he might want to check to see if he's right first.

By adamg - 2/20/06 - 10:48 pm

Andy Watson explains why Ellen Goodman, Alex Beam and Cathy Young can still turn out good columns.

Martin Solomon, though, wonders why the Globe refused to print the Danish cartoons, but had no such qualms about reprinting an Abu Ghraib photo:

By adamg - 1/11/06 - 1:33 pm

In today's deliciously snippy if ultimately irrelevant to 99.9% of us column by Alex Beam, we learn that Alex doesn't make $250,000 a year for writing two columns a week. Hmm, but how much, one wonders, does Dan "Five Columns in One Week" Shaughnessy pull down? Although one also wonders if he gets docked for recycling month-old columns.

By adamg - 9/14/05 - 1:09 pm

Is there any Boston millionaire more familiar with the inside of a courtroom than Bill Koch? Alex Beam is no doubt hitting the legal punching bag even as we speak.

Citizen Koch.

My standard newspaper disclosure.

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