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Steve Murphy

By adamg - 5/14/14 - 10:34 pm

David Bernstein takes a look at a resolution before the City Council today to recognize the 60th anniversary of the Supreme Court's desegregation ruling. Ten councilors voted for it while councilors Bill Linehan, Steve Murphy and Sal LaMattina voted "present."

LaMattina and Murphy talked to Bernstein about why he voted that way; Linehan and Yancey, who sponsored the measure, didn't return his calls.

UPDATE: Linehan did talk to the Globe, said Yancey filed it at the last moment and he didn't really have a chance to read it and he wasn't going to vote on something he didn't have a chance to consider.

By adamg - 5/7/14 - 2:57 pm

City councilors today overwhelmingly supported the idea of bringing back the Boston Police mounted unit, disbanded as a cost-saving measure in 2009.

Councilors, including at-large Councilor Steve Murphy, who made the proposal, said cops on horses are just better at patrolling certain types of large gatherings and that they are excellent at public relations and as ice breakers between police and citizens - who doesn't love horses?

By adamg - 5/6/14 - 7:33 am
Mounted Boston police officer in the 1920s

Mounted cop races down Tremont in the 1920s. Photo by Leslie Jones. See it larger.

At-large City Councilor Steve Murphy wants to bring back the Boston Police mounted unit, disbanded in 2009.

In a request for a formal hearing on the issue, Murphy writes:

The Mounted Police Unit provided a sense of security and comfort to residents and visitors.

The council considers Murphy's hearing request at its regular Wednesday meeting, which begins at noon in its fifth-floor chambers in City Hall.

By adamg - 2/12/14 - 1:21 pm

The Boston City Council today called for a hearing on the medical-marijuana dispensaries the state recently approved for Boylston Street in the Back Bay and Southampton Street on the South End/Roxbury line.

Councilor Steve Murphy (at large), who submitted a letter of "non opposition" to the general idea of dispensaries was blunt: "I was lied to" by the operators of the proposed Boylston Street facility - who listed him as supporting their specific location.

By adamg - 1/30/14 - 8:47 am

The City Council has stepped into a contract dispute between the Weather Channel and DirectTV, urging the two companies to settle a contract dispute that is frustrating DirectTV subscribers who would rather watch Jim Cantore than Harvey Leonard or Pete Bouchard.

The council yesterday unanimously approved a resolution by at-large Councilor Steve Murphy calling for a prompt end to the dispute.

Murphy called the Weather Channel "an invaluable national and local service" that "enables private citizens to make important decisions regarding their work, travel and recreation plans."

By Douglas Bennett - 11/1/13 - 11:16 am

The new Suffolk University Poll conducted by David Paleologos is out today. What we already knew was the Boston Mayoral Contest is razor thin with Martin Walsh surging to a 3 point lead over John Connolly with a 5.5% plus/minus margin of error.

By adamg - 8/20/13 - 11:11 pm

The City Council on Wednesday considers an ordinance that would ban children under 16 from any cage-fighting matches that make their way to Boston - unless the kids are accompanied by a parent.

City Council President Steve Murphy had originally proposed an ordinance that would bar everybody under 18 from the matches, with no exceptions. Murphy cites not just spurting blood and violence but the neo-Nazi, homophobic and pro-rape messages he says the fighters often tattoo on their arms or use as banter.

The council's meeting begins at noon in its fifth-floor chambers in City Hall.

By adamg - 8/9/13 - 1:16 pm

Bill Walczak today called for the state to loosen civil-service rules to let BPD Commissioner Ed Davis elevate more minority and women officer to senior ranks (although the Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers, which wants Davis cashiered, says that's not good enough, because even with equal scores, Davis goes white).

Walczak says he wrote Gov. Deval Patrick seeking action, adds:

By adamg - 7/28/13 - 9:48 pm

Finally, the return of the campaign song.

In less melodic news, Rob Consalvo throws his support behind rubber baby buggy bumpers, um, rubber sidewalks.

By Douglas Bennett - 4/12/13 - 11:12 am

If Ayanna Pressley runs for Mayor as reports are now suggesting that she may, she will undoubtably be the next Mayor.

It's a no brainer. Number one, the race is wide open for a major female candidate to run and win. There are ten men who running. Many people do vote based on gender. For instance, in the race to replace Jack Hart in the State Senate, many pundits believe that some of Nick Collin's votes will be siphered away by fellow Southie native Maureen Dahill which will allow Linda Dorcena Fory to be able to walk into office. However, I believe with two women running against Collins, the only male in the Democratic primary, many women will split their vote, while many men will vote for Collins. I'm not saying it is right, but it is a reality that gender politics is a determining factor for how many people vote in elections.

By adamg - 1/30/13 - 7:35 am

City councilors Steve Murphy (at large) and Bill Linehan (South Boston, South End) today will propose setting a limit on how much a homeowner's property taxes can rise from one year to the next.

The two argue that residents in areas undergoing gentrification are being unduly burdened by the fact that as foreclosed and distressed properties get renovated, their property values - and so their property taxes - are going up too fast. In a request for a hearing on a "circuit breaker" provision, they add:

By adamg - 12/12/12 - 7:42 pm

CabralThe Globe reports Gov. Patrick plans to make Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea Cabral his new public safety secretary.

By adamg - 9/19/12 - 10:32 am

The outlaw Josie Dunk's cupThe outlaw Josie Dunkin' cupCity Council President Steve Murphy wants to ban "expanded polystyrene" food and beverage containers - the kind we all call Styrofoam, even though they actually aren't.

By adamg - 6/20/12 - 10:19 am

Updated following City Council vote.

The City Council will ask the legislature to relax its limits on liquor licenses in Boston so that the Irish Social Club in Boston can regularly serve alcohol to guests again.

By adamg - 5/11/12 - 8:43 am

At a hearing next week, Boston councilors will demand answers from NStar on two recent transformer problems in the Back Bay, one of which left much of the neighborhood without power for several days.

Council President Steve Murphy says he wants more than just soothing words from the utility - he wants somebody independent of the company to start monitoring the way it delivers power in Boston.

By BostonBastard - 1/19/12 - 11:00 pm

(This post originally appeared at www.BostonBastard.com)

Just in time for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Boston City Council readily presented their version of Boston race relations by making an example out of Charles Yancey, a black City Councilor who committed the egregious offense of actually trying to do his job and look out for his constituents.

The annual release of City Council Committee chairs is always a good way to get a sense of where the councilors stand in the eyes of the City Council power structure and this year was no different.

When Council President Stephen Murphy released his assignments last week, we learned that Matt O’Malley has proven himself as a willing stooge of the status quo, so of course he was handed the chair of the Government Operations Committee, which had been left available when Maureen Feeney finally decided to drop any pretense of giving a shit about her Dorchester constituents and went after a major pay raise.

Another major change was that Charles Yancey was removed from his chairmanship of the Post Audit and Oversight Committee.

Among councilors, Yancey is often criticized for not doing anything, but only because trying to improve the community in Mattapan doesn’t count among City Hall’s paler politicians.

By adamg - 12/21/11 - 12:46 pm

Murphy on live TV.Murphy on live TV.The City Council today appointed former Councilor Maureen Feeney as city clerk in a process that would have taken about 30 seconds if council President Steve Murphy had not taken the opportunity to rail against "the broadsheets" and a former mayoral candidate.

For 15 minutes, Murphy excoriated the Globe and Kevin McCrea, accusing them of creating a circus with moving goalposts that bordered on harassment and only showed they want to chose the next city clerk, but they don't have the right because who elected them?

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 9:19 pm

The Dorchester Reporter posts a copy of Council President Steve Murphy's recommendation that the full council hire former Councilor Feeney for the post of city clerk - which includes a bonus denunciation of a Globe story daring to question the timing of her interview for the post. The council is scheduled to vote tomorrow to appoint Feeney.

By adamg - 12/12/11 - 11:37 pm

UPDATE: The city has a fulltime legal department, yet apparently nobody thought to check whether interviewing a former city councilor less than 30 days after she quit might violate state ethics laws, the Globe reports (Globe account required).

A roving UHub reporter files this report from this afternoon's interviews of the two candidates for the job of city clerk:

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