By Brian Riccio - 2/16/18 - 9:20 am

I'll be helping out on this week's Young Jurks show on this Saturday night at 6PM. The guest this week will be Congressman Mike Capuano.

I would be more than glad to ask him my own questions but would love to get a question or two from a UHubber.

As Bill O'Reilly says, "keep it pithy".

By adamg - 1/18/17 - 1:34 pm

US Rep. Michael Capuano tweeted today he's going to be holding office hours in Cambridge on Friday instead: Read more

By adamg - 7/20/16 - 8:16 am

State House News Service reports 55 congressmen want the Treasury department to investigate the way a Chinese company won the bid to build new Red Line and Orange Line trains, in part because of allegations it was able to submit a low-ball bid due to Chinese government subsidies, in part because they worry about the Chinese gaining access to critical national infrastructure, such as rail lines. Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Somerville) did not sign on, saying he wants to learn more first.

By adamg - 12/4/15 - 12:18 am

FAA officials spent 3 1/2 hours listening to residents and elected officials rip into the way planes now fly over a host of communities, at a Milton meeting on Thursday that they agreed to attend only after US Rep. Stephen Lynch threatened to cut the agency's budget for community outreach by $25 million.

The meeting brought out several hundred people from Belmont to Hull, to complain that a new GPS-based flight-path system may be great for airline profits and schedules, but means unlucky residents are now subjected to endless waves of planes, often starting at 5 a.m., for days on end, because of the way it slots planes into very narrow air corridors. Residents also said planes are flying lower than they used to, further contributing to the noise. Read more.

By adamg - 9/7/09 - 2:45 pm

Channel 4 reports.

The Dorchester Reporter reports Michael Capuano will be taking out papers on Tuesday - and adds he started talking about that before Kennedy made his announcement.

Kennedy's complete statement, posted at the Citizens Energy site:

By adamg - 7/7/08 - 11:09 pm

The Free Government Party goes public; they're the group using Craigslist to recruit somebody to run against Capuano if they agree to be bound

By adamg - 6/16/08 - 8:13 pm

Alicia notices an interesting Craigslist ad:

Become MA's Next 8th Congressional District US Representative (8th Congressional District)

Yes, we're serious.

We're looking for a candidate to run under a new political party intent on representing people directly through online polling. ...

So watch out, Mike Capuano: Some anonymous political party with no candidate (yet) is gunning for you.

By ralphlopez - 11/7/07 - 9:05 pm

There is a new Cambridge-based website for people upset about Rep. Mike Capuano (Cambridge, Boston, Somerville) not supporting impeachment in the vote brought against Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday, by Rep. Dennis Kucinich. It is The vote was broadcast on CNN. An excerpt from the site reads:

There is no middle ground when you know a crime as great as the overturn of the Bill of Rights is in progress, especially if you are in the branch charged with stopping that crime.

By adamg - 1/26/06 - 1:45 pm

Andy lives in Michael Capuano's district. After reading a John Kerry apologia for Capuano's Brazil trip today, he no longer wants to vote for him:

By adamg - 1/20/06 - 2:02 pm

On Blue Mass. Group, Charley wishes Michael Capuano wouldn't try to rationalize away that $19,000 trip to Brazil paid for by corporate interests:

By adamg - 9/22/05 - 8:47 am

Sissy calls her local congressman and senators to see what they plan to do to cut pork. She writes: