Three local bloggers of the blue persuasion are now podcasting.
Podcamp Boston, planned for two days in September, is
... a BarCamp-style meetup for podcasters and listeners, bloggers and readers, and new media types of all stripes. ...
Which means it will be free to attend.
Via Steve Garfield.
The city of Boston now has its own podcast - Citycast.
The first show, hosted by an anonymous announcer (who sounds like he could be a broadcast-journalism major at a local college) focuses on the city's gun buyback program and includes not just the obligatory Menino soundclip but interviews with a police official, Boston residents voicing support for the program and two of the singers of that new hip-hop peace song.
Via PlasticBoy.
Old South Church has started posting MP3s of its Sunday sermons. Tim, a cutting-edge member of the congregation, has created a podcast feed for them.