You're an editor for a metropolitan daily. Which story do you put on the front page: Jeff Perry and the strip search or Barney Frank lending his campaign some money?
By adamg - 3/1/10 - 8:28 am
Wayne Wilson announces campaign on Blue Mass. Group. For gay marriage, against death penalty, wants to peg minimum wage to inflation and would reform CORI.
By adamg - 1/28/10 - 2:25 pm
Won't take on Mike Rush for Marian Walsh's Suffolk and Norfolk state-senate seat, the Jamaica Plain Gazette reports.
By adamg - 1/27/10 - 3:42 pm
Wicked Local West Roxbury breaks the news on the Suffolk and Norfolk State Senator.
By adamg - 1/27/10 - 8:48 am
Say hello to Brad Williams, an investment adviser from West Roxbury. He joins Democrat Mike Rush in the race; Walsh has yet to declare her intentions.