By dmk - 3/28/16 - 1:20 pm

Are you an advocate for Public Transit? If so, this may interest you. National Conference in Boston, open to interested parties.

By Cynic - 2/18/10 - 10:29 am

Well, at least when it comes to rail transportation. The T&G reports today that as CSX winds down operations in its Beacon Park yard in Allston, it's planning to shift its operations to the west. And according to Transportation Secretary Jeff Mullan, the new set-up promises to "make Worcester the freight rail hub for all six New England states with east-west and north-south rail connections with access to highways."

By Cynic - 1/28/10 - 11:32 am

The Obama Administration is announcing $8 Billion in grants for High-Speed Rail - and allocating just $112 million of that total to the only succes