It was the first full weekend back for Boston University and the kids quickly spread the word on Snapchat: Everybody head to Tavern in the Square. Ahorde of thirsty, hungry BU students quickly descended on the Brighton Avenue bar - forming themselves into an impenetrable knot of a line that went down Brighton Avenue and around the corner to where Common Ground used to be. Police, of course, quickly came to investigate. Read more.
So a guy walks into a bar, orders a beer, gets in the faces of some other patrons and then punches one in the face. Read more.
The Daily Free Press reports (fourth item) the victim made it from Tavern in the Square on Brighton Avenue to Harvard Avenue early Sunday before he was beaten up and robbed by a group of six men with whom he had verbally jousted in the bar.
A manager at Tavern in the Square in Allston had to explain to the Boston Licensing Board today why nobody at the Brighton Avenue bar called police after a patron had a beer bottle thrown at his head and another was tossed to the sidewalk outside and ki
The Allston Tavern in the Square has changed its music late at night in an attempt to ward off "a different neighborhood crowd" that has been causing trouble, its lawyer told the Boston Licensing Board today.
Boston Restaurant Talk has learned from Phantom Gourmet that The Kells in Allston will be closing in the near future.