Mark Jurkowitz takes a break from packing long enough to express outrage that a tabloid newspaper w
For a couple weeks there, our Professional Media Critic was back to his old routine of only covering things happening hundreds of miles away ("For those who care, here's a piece from LA City Beat casting a very jaundiced eye on New Times honcho Mike Lac
The Professional Media Critic reads about a newspaper controversy in a Third World count
Mad props to readers of The Professional Media Critic for trying to steer him back toward Boston.
Keeping his powder dry. In response to pleas to discuss Theogate and the role of the press, Mark writes, on his blog:
Is it too much to ask that a Boston media critic know what's going on in the local media? Especially one who has basically been covering and working in the local media for years now?
For two days now, the Herald front page has screamed about the Stomper, the allegedly violent homeless guy who enjoys stomping on other homeless people, who recently got out of jail and who might be a suspect in the death of a homeless
At least, from his Media Watch blog. He reports his successor (and predecessor), Mark Jurkowitz, will take up the blogging thing, though.