Jamaica Plain News presents a photo of a fisher cat in the Arnold Arboretum, to go with the deer and the coyotes and the owls. Spotted in the wilder Bussey Brook woods.
fisher cats
By adamg - 6/14/18 - 8:53 am
Jamaica Plain News talks to a guy who was walking his dog when they encountered the beast. No harm came to anyone; and yes, there are pics (well, a pic) so it did happen.
By adamg - 11/14/13 - 1:50 pm
Near Fresh Pond, Wicked Local Cambridge alerts us. But don't worry:
There have been no reports of fisher cats attacking a person or domestic animal in Cambridge.
Ed. note: This is not the Fresh Pond fisher cat. This is the fisher cat Kevin Cosby hit with his car, then had stuffed and mounted.
By adamg - 8/4/10 - 9:21 am
Wicked Local Newton reports fishers are out and screaming in Newton Highlands - and cats and ducks are some of their favorite meals.