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bike safety

By Adam Reilly - 3/29/13 - 1:21 pm

Hello everyone--as you may have heard, WGBH and Wicked Local are doing a multi-part series on how bikes and cars co-exist in the Boston area. I'm trying to put together a panel of cyclists, car drivers, and possibly pedestrians to talk candidly about their experiences and frustrations. If you'd be interested in participating, please give me a call (617-300-2534), send me an email ([email protected]), or tweet me (@reillyadam). Thanks.

By JennyMack - 9/7/10 - 2:28 pm

BU's Katie Koch shows us firsthand what it's like for a biker on Comm. Ave. Personally, I'm terrified just watching it.

Bike Safety Day is today at BU, and Dean Elmore is giving away a brand new bike (helmet and lock included).

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