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Manny Ramirez

By adamg - 2/22/08 - 9:02 am

And not just because of the snow. Peter N. expresses some fanly love for Manny Ramirez, now that he's decided he wants to stay in Boston forever:

... [A]fter reading Manny's words for the third time, my smile could not be any wider, with goose bumps and chills all over my body. With a physically and mentally healthy Manny, preceded in our power packed batting lineup by Big Papi, with HIS newly repaired knee, rookie of the year Dustin Pedroia and our new centerfielder, Jacoby Ellsbury, who this year will become a fixture for us while patrolling Fenway Park's spaciously green centerfield AND a national hero for EVERY baseball fan on the face of our beautiful blue earth, the Boston Red Sox and their fans, members of Red Sox Nation and Red Sox International, are in for quite a treat. A 2008 treat. THE BEST KIND OF TREAT! ...

By adamg - 10/18/07 - 12:48 pm

Bruce Allen discusses that Manny quote (you know the one, the one that's been repeated about 67,000 times already) and why all it proves is that Manny should never talk to the media again.

By adamg - 10/11/07 - 9:34 am

Paul SF takes a look at old New York Times articles about Manny Ramirez, back when he was a .633-hitting high-school student in Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood.

By adamg - 10/6/07 - 12:48 am

When will other teams learn that walking Ortiz to pitch to Ramirez just doesn't work?

Hopefully, never.

Soxaholix sums it up:

It's like saying, you know, I've got a bad feeling about this Titanic, think I'll try the Hindenburg instead. Gotta be safer.

And Manny, you keep on being Manny - or, as Kristen puts it, Manny being Papi.

By adamg - 9/6/07 - 5:34 pm

The celebrity sightings never end here in the Celebrity Capital of New England. Katie Reed e-mails this report:

I saw Manny Ramirez this afternoon in Allston standing in front of RPM Motersports on Brighton Avenue with a couple of guys contemplating a shiny silver Mercedes that I assume was his. I didn't talk to him, but he looked bewildered when he saw me staring at him.

See a celeb? I'm all ears, natch.

By adamg - 7/16/07 - 9:47 am

With no opportunity to think about Papelbon yesterday, Always Thinking About Papelbon decides enough is enough with the TV announcers going off on tangents about how Manny Ramirez plays left too shallow (ATAP also discusses a trip to the Natick Dairy Queen and the Sox record in one-run games)

By adamg - 3/20/07 - 11:29 pm

Since who in their right mind would pay $240,000 for the thing - especially if it's not really Manny's but a neighbor's?

Manny and a grill

Denton: Leave Manny alone!

This morning, John Dennis is researching the eBay rules to see if Manny violated any policy and should be punished. Why?

All this guy has done is hit home runs and drive in base runners for the Boston Red Sox. In a world where you can't swing a dead cat in any professional sports venue without hitting a player who is either using steroids, capping people outside bars or smacking their wife around, why does anybody care about Manny selling a friggin' grill? ...

By adamg - 1/18/07 - 10:21 pm

Broken Down Sawx Fan is hoping that Murray Chass of the New York Times is insane. How else to explain Chass's theory that the Sox have a backup plan in case J.D. Drew goes unsigned: Sign Barry Bonds to play left and move Manny to right:

... Theo if you signed Bonds I might have to consider going over to the dark side. I'm not kidding.

By adamg - 12/4/06 - 10:51 pm

Of course there's a Keep Manny site. And of course it has a petition.

Via Bostonist.

By adamg - 11/30/06 - 5:47 pm

More than 2,200 people have already signed the online petition - which is roughly 2,050 more people than have signed a petition by local bloggers Martin Solomon and Miss Kelly to support immigration officials who arrested a couple of local imams in connection with a national visa-fraud scheme.

Via Tommy Von.

Denton, meanwhile, says it might finally be time to say good-bye to Manny.

By adamg - 10/7/06 - 8:04 pm

Amy loved the Tigers/Yankees game, especially A-Rod's non-performance:

... Say what you want about Manny, at least he produces something for his 20 mil.

By adamg - 9/23/06 - 9:21 pm

Dan Kennedy: Maybe it really is time for Manny to go.

Evan Brunell expects the Sox to trade Ramirez over the offseason to either the Angels or the Mets and posts who he'd want in return.

By adamg - 8/27/06 - 3:49 pm

His Shankness concludes from the past few games that Ramirez is off in orbit again:

... Bloggers, e-mail friends, fanboys, and other wonderful Globe readers: Please, this is not a Manny rip job. These are facts. ...

He then proceeds to state how wonderfully Ramirez has played the rest of the year, but announces we need to be suspicious because Ramirez won't talk to the media. Ever wonder why he won't talk to you, Mr. CHB?

By adamg - 8/24/06 - 12:20 pm

Was it only yesterday that the CHB was calling Ramirez a whiny, lying fourth grader?

News that Ramirez may, in fact, have the same sort of problem that's sidelined Jason Varitek, gets Dan Kennedy to wondering when we might expect an apology from His Shankness.

By adamg - 8/23/06 - 8:49 am

Sully leaps to defend Ramirez against media attacks:

... What I do know is that, unlike the racist, bloviating Boston mainstream press I am not going to pin the current Red Sox plight on the one guy that had the balls to show up over the weekend against the Bombers. ...

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 3:13 pm

That compliment having been made, however, it was odd to read him today complaining about the amount of wasted newsprint and verbiage on Manny's All-Star No-Show, because his entire column was about, well, Manny's All-Star No-Show.

By adamg - 2/17/06 - 7:51 am

Red breaks it down for us with predictions for specific players, such as Manny:

... Will cause a minor controversy when he pays to have a small plasma screen installed in the left field wall for his viewing pleasure. Controversy will subside after he belts 12 home runs in April. ...

By adamg - 12/8/05 - 11:19 pm

John's become the go-to guy when media types need somebody to talk about how overpriced Manny Ramirez's Ritz bits are. The Associated Press quotes him extensively on the premise that Manny's $6.9-million asking price, at $1,530 per square foot, is absurd:

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