By clodaghdrummey - Thu, 01/23/2020 - 8:35pm
By massmarrier - Mon, 11/22/2010 - 9:04am

As the second customer to enter the POW!, all-new, improved Hyde Park YMCA this morning, I have seen the future and it's OK. Normally, I bike (or in terrible weather drive) 4.5 miles to the West Roxbury branch. Come sleet and bitter cold, I suspect one three quarters of a mile down the hill will be more to our liking.

District City Councilor Rob Consalvo has been flogging this rehab in the most glorious terms, as well as updating all on when it would actually open for swim and sweat. He's an insider, as his wife, Michelle, is development coordinator. This seemed to drag on but it did open as he promised before the end of November.

The good (with WR in mind):

  • Machines, from spin bikes to circuit equipment to free weights and beyond are all new and high end
  • Lighting is even and bright throughout the building
  • The 25-yard pool is gorgeous and has wide lanes
  • Shower heads are adjustable and water pressure is strong
  • Lockers are in great shape, with plenty of interior hooks and, mirabile dictu, sequential numbering
  • Lots of treadmills