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By adamg - 8/10/15 - 9:14 pm

Mayor Walsh says his administration and Vertex have negotiated a roughly 25% cut in a property-tax deal for Vertex because the company did not bring as many jobs to the South Boston waterfront as it had originally said it would. Read more.

By adamg - 6/18/12 - 11:30 am

The company now building its headquarters on the South Boston waterfront today announced a science-education program at Boston Green Academy and Excel High School in South Boston, the mayor's office reports:

By adamg - 6/22/11 - 7:53 am

WBUR reports on the groundbreaking for the new Vertex headquarters next to the federal courthouse.

By adamg - 2/14/11 - 6:52 am

The Herald reports Cambridge is developing its own benefits package to try to keep Vertex in Cambridge, rather than letting it flee to South Boston - such as municipal "financing incentives."

By Cynic - 2/1/11 - 1:57 pm

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is looking to consolidate its two Cambridge locations into a single, more centrally-located facility. FierceBiotech reports. The company said in a release that it plans to "enhance its presence" in Cambridge, and to shift "selected resources" up from Groton. That, presumably, translates to more high-caliber biotech jobs for the Boston area.

By adamg - 2/1/11 - 6:44 am

After a brief dalliance with cross-river love, the Cambridge City Council is back to fretting about how Boston is conspiring against their suburb. The Crimson reports some Cambridge councilors are in full dudgeon over the news that a biotech company is moving from Cambridge to South Boston:

By adamg - 1/24/11 - 9:26 pm

The Boston Business Journal reports on a win for the Innovation District - Vertex Pharmaceuticals will move to Fan Pier in a couple years so it can consolidate what are now scattered departments into a two adjacent buildings.

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