And then all hell broke loose.
Donald Trump
Local concerned citizens are planning a protest to condemn Donald Trump, his Boston-based funders, and his racist rhetoric. The protest will begin at 10:30 at the Langham Hotel in Boston. Protestors will gather this evening to make signs in JP, email [email protected] for details.
What is it that Ernie Boch, Jr. finds so interesting about Donald Trump that he'd host a fund raiser an event?
OSKALOOSA, Ia. – Donald Trump on Saturday turned his verbal bazookas on rival Republican Scott Walker, the front-runner in the GOP presidential race in Iowa, ripping on the Wisconsin governor as a policy flip-flopper who has left his state in turmoil.
TV News reporting Trump will not run. Unable to produce birth certificate for his comb-over.
Donald Trump’s racist birther accusations have been debunked, again, the White House has released the president’s “long form” birth certificate.