By JosephPorcelli - 2/13/24 - 10:26 am

Last year, I responded to a neighbor who asked for help shoveling her driveway and accessible ramp since she could neither physically do it herself nor afford to pay someone to do it for her. I was happy to help!

The experience reminded me that neighbors who can't physically shovel or live on fixed incomes often have no option but to wait for the snow to melt. Without help, they can’t get to work, the grocery store, the pharmacy, or doctor appointments. Read more.

By JosephPorcelli - 1/8/22 - 10:19 am

Back in 2009, after hearing that then-Mayor Cory Booker was shoveling out neighbors in need, I got an idea. What if I could replicate his effort and coordinate multiple neighbors getting shoveled out simultaneously using technology — thus, the first version on #Snowcrew was born. Read more.

By JosephPorcelli - 2/16/15 - 1:20 pm

This winter has been brutal, and there is more snow on the way. So how are we going to get through this? Together!

By JosephPorcelli - 1/24/15 - 1:50 pm

Snowstorms can be a lot of fun, but for neighbors who are older, injured or have an access or functional need, snowstorms can cause a great deal of anxiety and pose a threat to their well-being.

By anon - 5/4/12 - 7:54 am

The Endowment of Unexceptional Humans, a quirky JP charity, is having an event in Somerville May 11th.

By BB from Dot - 5/14/11 - 2:18 pm

If you are moving in and you absolutely *have* to block my driveway, at least have the courtesy to leave the address or phone number at which you can be found.