A woman was found stabbed at Newbury and Gloucester streets in the Back Bay around 9:45 p.m. Injuries did not appear life threatening.
The Supreme Judicial Court acknowledged today that the state corrections commissioner made a very good case that Martin McCauley, 66, locked up for the way he murdered Carlos Madariaga in an alley off Gloucester Street in the Back Bay in 1981, isn't debilitated enough by serious mobility issues and constant, severe back and nerve pain to warrant medical parole. Read more.
A social club for millennials called Hall at 44 Gloucester St. is selling its space to another social club for millennials called Forum, which says it will transform the space into a daytime coworking spot where people can then mingle into the evening after work without ever leaving the office. Read more.
UPDATE: Boston Police report one victim has died; the other is expected to survive. Both were in their 20s. NECN reports the victim was Jamal Bannister, 24.
Two men in a car were shot around 9:30 p.m. at Boylston and Gloucester streets, one repeatedly, according to Boston EMS Incidents. The homicide unit has been called in due to the severity of his injuries, Chargemyline reports.
Boylston is shut due to the investigation.
A cowering citizen submitted this photo to buttress his complaint about Branch Street on Beacon Hill:
Huge rodent on street.