On top of the Government Center garage
By adamg - 2/18/15 - 2:30 pm

Paul Nutting watched a large contingent of workers removing snow from the roof of the Government Center Garage today.

By adamg - 10/2/14 - 9:36 am

The Globe reports on architect Cesar Pelli's proposed 528-foot-high replacement for much of the Government Center garage. Is Boston ready for curvy glass?

By adamg - 7/12/13 - 9:43 am

NorthEndWaterfront.com reports that Aaron Michlewitz, who represents the increasingly student filled North End and Beacon Hill, says the BRA needs to consider

By adamg - 6/6/13 - 8:02 am

New neighborhood downtown

A developer yesterday filed plans with the BRA to replace most of the Government Center garage over 10 years with a series of buildings housing 771 apartments, a hotel and 1.3 million square feet of office space. The plans, by Bulfinch Congress Holdings, which has owned the garage since 2007, also call for "a new public square and pedestrian promenade that will connect both the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and the Market District along Congress Street through to Canal Street."

By adamg - 11/17/11 - 9:44 pm


Occupy Boston and union members did not shut down the Charlestown Bridge tonight, unless you count the roughly two minutes police closed it to let the protesters march from Commercial Street onto Causeway Street.

Before the bulk of Occupy Boston came down Commercial Street (once again failing to lob even token protests at Romney headquarters), a bagpiper joined the hardhats and service workers who held protest signs where Commercial turns onto the bridge in advance of the rally.