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Wharf District

By adamg - 5/20/13 - 2:47 pm

Cone again

UPDATE: Citizens Connect for the win - The DPW now reports National Grid has removed the upended cone and put a proper cover on the hole.

Yesterday, we introduced you to the Jammed-In Cone of Atlantic Avenue Complaint. Somebody at City Hall promptly marked the complaint "closed" and noted "Taken care of."

Only as you can see from the above photo, taken this morning, City Hall has a different definition of "taken care of" than your average concerned citizen does, since the cone is still there, uglifying the up-and-coming Wharf District neighborhood. City Hall promptly marked this complaint "closed" as well, but this time explained that "taken care of" actually means reporting the problem to National Grid, since it's a gas-company hole and so something the city of Boston is powerless to do anything about.

By adamg - 2/12/12 - 1:52 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com ponders the news that residents of Harbor Towers and Rowes Wharf are trying to carve out a new identity as the Wharf District when they're already covered by the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council. In fact, the current president of that group is a Harbor Towers resident:

By adamg - 2/6/12 - 5:47 pm

The Herald reports residents of Harbor Towers and Rowes Wharf are trying to rename their stretch of the waterfront as the Wharf District.

Ed. Boston English question: If they succeed, would kids born there be called Wharf Rats?

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