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By adamg - 10/17/13 - 4:24 pm

Louis Gudema posts a copy of a letter to the CEO of Harvard Pilgrim, which is refusing to pay more than half the cost of an emergency eye procedure even though an eye specialist at Harvard Vanguard told him he needed to get to Mass. Eye and Ear right away or risk having his retina detach. Seems Harvard Pilgrim doesn't agree it was an emergency, and it doesn't pay for "routine" care at the infirmary.

Apparently, although I was told specifically to go to Mass Eye and Ear’s emergency room by Harvard Vanguard, I was expected to check with Harvard Pilgrim at 2AM on a Sunday morning to see what was and was not covered there. Even if I had tried check with Harvard Pilgrim at 2AM on a Sunday, your website does not list a weekend or emergency number. How could I have gotten an approval?

By adamg - 11/9/12 - 8:38 am

Brian Benoit, 40, of South Boston, faces arraignment in Suffolk Superior Court on charges he stole the contents of 106 vials and syringes loaded with painkillers and sedatives in late summer, 2011, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

By adamg - 10/16/12 - 9:48 am

Michael Rosen points us to this lawsuit (via this law firm) by a South Shore dental practice against a dentist who left and set up his own practice nearby.

By adamg - 3/7/12 - 7:19 am

CommonHealth takes a look at the state's latest health-insurance coverage numbers - and whether the state could do even more to ensure universal coverage.

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