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Sal DiMasi

By adamg - 1/20/08 - 3:25 pm

By killing Gov. Patrick's casino plan already, Dan Kennedy explains.

By adamg - 4/4/07 - 11:48 am

David Guarino has been writing a fair amount of late about our boy Brian McGrory - praising him as the best columnist in the city (Ed. note: What was that sound Bill the Cat used to make?) and speculating on whether Brian McGrory is now The Man among Globe metro columnists (both of them).

By adamg - 7/24/06 - 12:23 pm

Aaron Margolis spends some time with a state database and finds some fun financial threads connecting Bechtel with various state legislators and others who theoretically might have something to say about any possible wrongdoing at Bechtel's Big Dig.

The Globe also looks at the Bechtel way.

By adamg - 12/17/05 - 7:27 pm

John notes the preponderance of defense attorneys in the House of Representatives:

... DUI and drug defendants are the most lucrative (clients) of all.

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