Sign announcing the closing of the Boloco in Copley Square
By adamg - 10/19/19 - 10:36 pm

Ron Newman spotted this sign at the Boylston Street Boloco today. Read more.

Brady jersey at zoning meetin
By adamg - 2/5/19 - 11:02 am

Chick-fil-A won permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals today to begin outfitting the Boloco at 569 Boylston St. as a two-story chicken-sandwich emporium. Read more.

By adamg - 11/15/18 - 10:52 am

When news broke last week that Chick-fil-A had an agreement to move into the Boylston Street location now occupied by a Boloco, it was news not just to fans and haters of the chicken chain, but to Boloco.

Boloco owner John Pepper says today: Read more.

By adamg - 11/8/18 - 3:47 pm

Biznow reports the chicken-on-a-bun chain has decided Tom Menino has not been mayor long enough and is looking to replace the Boloco at 569 Boylston St. in the Back Bay. Read more.

Chick-fil-A under construction in Norwood
By adamg - 4/23/17 - 1:05 pm

Mikhaela Houston alerts us that a Chick-fil-A is under construction on Providence Highway, near the Ocean State Job Lot - and the West Roxbury line, which would mark the chain's closest approach to Boston since it was banned here (by Northeastern and then by the city) for being owned by homophobes. Read more.

By adamg - 8/3/12 - 9:45 pm

The Herald reports that dbar is now offering a Chic-2B-gAy fried-chicken plate.

By adamg - 7/28/12 - 10:23 am

Four, John Carroll reports, adding that left the Herald no space at all to cover the Mittstakes out of London.

By adamg - 7/26/12 - 3:48 pm

The Herald catches up with Hizzona, who acknowledges he can't legally stop Chick-fil-A from opening up, say, in the space to be vacated by

By adamg - 7/26/12 - 9:51 am

Once you start, where do you stop? How about an organization that already has outlets all over town?

By adamg - 7/20/12 - 7:59 am

The mayor is vowing to block the chicken chain from opening a location on the Freedom Trail after its president said gay marriage could bring God's wrath down on America, the Herald

By adamg - 2/28/12 - 8:10 am

UPDATE: The News has updated its report: The university has decided that because of the vote, it won't allow a Chick-fil-A at the school.