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By adamg - 6/24/24 - 11:52 am

Several of the nation's largest record labels today sued Suno, a Cambridge firm started by AI gurus whose offering lets users create their own songs - based, the labels charge, on their copyrighted work. Read more.

By mcshugar - 5/22/24 - 10:19 am

A mighty little light particle has jogged (read: teleported?) its first quantum marathon around the universal hub in a groundbreaking new scientific study. Harvard phsyicists used existing Boston-area telecommunication fiber networks to send the particle over a roughly 22-mile loop through Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Boston between two quantum computers located a floor apart in Harvard labs.

Think of it as a simple, closed internet between point A and B, carrying a signal encoded not by classical bits like the existing internet, but by perfectly secure, individual particles of light.

By mcshugar - 5/16/24 - 1:27 pm

A mighty little light particle has jogged (read: teleported?) its first quantum marathon around the universal hub in a groundbreaking new scientific study. Harvard phsyicists used existing Boston-area telecommunication fiber networks to send the particle over a roughly 22-mile loop through Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Boston between two quantum computers located a floor apart in Harvard labs.

Think of it as a simple, closed internet between point A and B, carrying a signal encoded not by classical bits like the existing internet, but by perfectly secure, individual particles of light.

By adamg - 5/15/24 - 11:11 pm

Let's start with the telephone museum Verizon has, here in the town where the telephone was first used, but almost never lets anybody in to see. Read more.

By adamg - 5/15/24 - 9:46 am

A spinout from Harvard's Wyss Institute announced today it's now licensing its microbe-based system to turn carbon dioxide into a component of a variety of foods and other substances, including chocolate. Read more.

By adamg - 5/3/24 - 3:20 pm

MIT News reports on a five-year deal between the MIT Electron-conductive Cement-based Materials Hub and the Aizawa Concrete Corp. to research ways to use concrete in ways you really wouldn't think it could be: To replace lithium batteries to store energy created by wind and solar power and to create systems that could de-ice frozen roads and sidewalks. Read more.

By adamg - 4/6/24 - 2:41 pm

The Boston City Council this week formally accepted a $500,000 grant from the state Department of Education to develop a lesson plan for teaching students how to use open data sources - with a focus on the city's own Analyze Boston collection of public data sets on everything from crime reports and restaurant inspections to listings of city streetlights and data on where people are using parking meters. Read more.

By adamg - 3/21/24 - 10:05 am

Massachusetts General reports today that on Saturday, its surgeons transplanted a "genetically-edited pig kidney" into a man living with end-stage kidney disease - the first time such a procedure has been done. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/24 - 7:31 pm

Robert Ambrogi gets the scoop that the judge in a Norfolk County lawsuit has sanctioned a lawyer because at least four briefs his office submitted in one particular case were based in part on citations made up by an AI program about cases that never actually happened. Read more.

By adamg - 1/22/24 - 11:03 am

All Tom Baker Doctor Who Prime Computer Ads

Artair Geal discovered these 1980s ads for Prime Computer, which turned the old Carling Brewery on the shores of Lake Cochituate into a minicomputer powerhouse, and which apparently dabbled in romance advice on the side: Read more.

By adamg - 9/25/23 - 9:25 am

And wouldn't that be something? LSD-ladled robo-taxis suddenly careening all over Storrow Drive at rush hour. Read more.

By adamg - 9/22/23 - 11:02 am

Jared reports that at 6:47 a.m., Boston University sent out text messages: Read more.

By adamg - 8/30/23 - 10:42 am

The Globe yesterday ran this headline: Self-driving cars are booming in San Francisco. Is it really a loss for Boston?

Betteridge's Law holds: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word No." Read more.

By adamg - 8/13/23 - 12:33 pm

Jefferson County, KY - which includes the city of Louisville - had to cancel school Thursday and Friday and is canceling it again Monday and Tuesday, because of the failure of a new bus routing system based in large part on software from a Waltham company. Read more.

By adamg - 7/6/23 - 3:06 pm

Boston today announced plans to expand its EV charge network beyond municipal parking lots to include streetside chargers that would let even apartment dwellers consider replacing their gas-powered cars with electric models - to meet an ultimate city goal of having chargers within a ten-minute walk of every Boston resident. Read more.

By adamg - 6/15/23 - 12:46 pm

MIT News reports on work by MIT researchers to develop metal-free electrodes, which could one day replace thin metal electrodes to send electrical impulses to various organs - which work, but sometimes at the cost of scarring and inflammation, which are good for neither patients nor the systems. Read more.

By adamg - 5/8/23 - 9:34 am

The Boston Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon is the obverse of events where people get together to create cool new stuff, and it's coming up, on May 27:

A "hackathon" is a social event where people come together for a short period of time to make a project, like an app or hardware device. A "stupid shit hackathon" is an event where people come together to make projects that are terrible, useless, horrifying, and probably should have never been made.

By adamg - 5/5/23 - 12:22 pm

A judge this week ruled the owners of Hood Park off Rutherford Avenue have only themselves to blame for the way a robotic-luggage company pulled out of a seven-year lease and so tossed their $75-million lawsuit. Read more.

By adamg - 4/22/23 - 12:25 pm
Two working payphones

Right in front of the Eastern Bank/garage on Dartmouth Street at Stuart Street is this large ad thinge that has two payphones built in. And at least as of yesterday, both generated dial tones when you picked up the receivers.

As always, talking to God - and Bank of America - is free: Read more.

By adamg - 4/13/23 - 9:57 am

MIT News reports researchers may have figured out how to keep algae from growing on glass surfaces: Coat the glass with "a material that can hold an electrostatic charge, and then applying a very small voltage to that layer," which in turn repels the algae, which have a negative charge on their cell surfaces. Read more.

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