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2014 elections

By adamg - 5/12/14 - 5:16 pm

Oopsies, he says about federal campaign records on which he listed himself as an executive at an investment firm.

So? Who hasn't had an elder moment or 33? Seems New Jersey sent some pension business the company's way after he sent a donation to the New Jersey Republican State Committee, and that's kinda illegal under New Jersey law, the site says.

By adamg - 4/24/14 - 8:14 am

The Herald reports that Celeste Myers, who helped run the successful vote to keep a casino out of East Boston, is running against state Rep. Carlo Basile, who supported the casino - and whom Myers once helped get elected.

By adamg - 4/1/14 - 10:25 pm

The Dorchester Reporter provides the results for the special election to replace Carlos Henriquez in the 5th Suffolk district. Evandro Carvalho will have to defend his seat in the fall elections.

By adamg - 3/27/14 - 7:44 am

The Globe reports Steve Grossman looked like he was passing a kidney stone in a debate the other night not because he had to share the stage with Gay Hating Guy, but because he was actually passing a kidney stone.

By adamg - 3/22/14 - 11:05 pm

Chris Lovett moderates a forum on Sunday between the five candidates running in the 5th Suffolk district to replace Carlos Henriquez.

The forum starts at 4 p.m. at First Parish Church in Dorchester, 10 Parish St.

By adamg - 3/16/14 - 10:39 pm
Lively getting ready to march in South Boston

Lively getting ready to march in South Boston. Photo by Arturo Gossage.

As the Globe told us this morning, a "small contingent" of gay South Boston residents quietly marched in today's parade.

Also marching today: Scott Lively, a Springfield minister who wants to make it illegal to promote gay rights and who has written that the Nazis were especially evil because their leaders, including Hitler, were gay.

By adamg - 3/10/14 - 10:30 am

The Globe gets its hands on a report that kind of makes the first-term Suffolk County register of probate look like the boss from hell:

Patricia Campatelli often worked only 15 hours a week at her $122,500-a-year job as Suffolk County register of probate, and she spent much of that time taking “numerous smoking breaks, scratching lottery tickets, looking at East Boston real estate on the Internet, and filling out puzzles,” according to employees quoted in a confidential report obtained by the Globe.

And let's not forget the incident that led to the report, in which she allegedly punched an underling.

By adamg - 3/6/14 - 4:03 pm

The Dorchester Reporter alerts us that the perpetual candidate has sued Secretary of State William Galvin for barring her from the Democratic ballot for Carlos Henriquez's old seat on the grounds she didn't switch from being a Republican to being a Democrat in time this time.

By adamg - 2/27/14 - 12:00 pm

SHOCKING UPDATE: The Secretary of State's office rules Garrison will not be on the Democratic ballot, because she changed parties too late..

The Dorchester Reporter runs down the list of candidates for Carlos Henriquez's now vacant Fifth Suffolk seat. Good news for fans of perpetual candidates: Both Althea Garrison and Roy Owens are among the six to file papers to run.

By adamg - 2/26/14 - 7:48 am

WBUR reports on a gubernatorial forum at Harvard.

By adamg - 2/21/14 - 2:34 pm

Mike Deehan, a reporter at the State House News Service, has launched MaGov14.com to cover this year's race for governor.

By adamg - 2/11/14 - 3:09 pm
Arroyo for register of probate

Felix D. Arroyo tomorrow announces a bid to replace Patty Campatelli as Suffolk County Register of Probate and Family Court.

Campatelli, in her first term in the elected holdover from colonial days, found herself suspended by the Massachusetts Trial Court in January due to an investigation into whether she punched an employee - a charge she denies.

By adamg - 1/19/14 - 12:44 pm

The Globe's Billy Baker profiles Maureen Dahill, the third candidate in the battle to take over Jack Hart's old state-senate seat, the one who tried to find a bridge between the oldtimers and the yuppies. And maybe buries the lead at the very end of the story, at least for people who like keeping tabs on who's running for what.

By Douglas Bennett - 12/30/13 - 6:18 am

You know when you are heading for victory when anonymous posters attack and ridicule you. It always out of fear, hatred, and jealousy that these "stalker trolls" attack you when you are on the brink of success and triumph.

My good friend Moe Love obviously does not like the fact that yes I am a former Republican. However, fortunately I am in good company.

By Douglas Bennett - 11/30/13 - 9:33 am

Wayne Wilson was a good man who passed away on November 15, 2013. Wayne was a resident of Ward 19 in Jamaica Plain and was a hardcore Progressive Democrat who was traveling around his State Senate District visiting the local Democrats in effort to challenge Mike Rush for the Senate seat in the September 9, 2014 Democratic Primary. Wayne was very active in local Democratic politics. I last saw him on November 12, 2013 at the Ward 19 Democrats where he was an active member in Karen Paine's organization.

By Anonymous - 11/7/13 - 12:27 am


By Douglas Bennett - 10/16/13 - 6:15 am

REVERE- At the Christopher Columbus Day Parade held in Revere on October 14, 2013, Interim Suffolk County Sheriff Steven Tompkins once again lost control of himself when he began acting like an animal, and threatened to “kick his opponent’s (Bennett) ass…”

By Douglas Bennett - 9/3/13 - 10:06 am

Click on this link to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZszLm-CCmio&feature=player_detailpage

Jean Jackson, the owner of La Paix barber shop at 1059 Hyde Park Avenue in Boston, testifies how Suffolk County Interim Sheriff Steven Tompkins unlawfully pulled out his badge and demanded that the store owner remove Douglas Bennett for Sheriff's sign "because it was too early to put up campaign signs..."

By Douglas Bennett - 8/22/13 - 6:45 am

BOSTON- Steven Tompkins will face a BMC Roxbury District Court Criminal Magistrate over Theft and Property Destruction on September 10, 2013.

Suffolk County Interim Sheriff Steven Tompkins of 106 Williams Street in Hyde Park will face a Criminal Magistrate over the theft and property destruction of rival Sheriff Candidate Douglas Bennett’s campaign signs in Egleston Square in Roxbury last Wednesday August 14, 2013 between 2-3PM.

In many of these thefts and destructions of personal property, Mr. Tompkins, along with another Commonwealth of Massachusetts employee from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department, proceeded in entering these store fronts and identifying himself as the Sheriff of Suffolk County, pulling out his “sheriff’s badge” and demanding that the store owner remove the sign or they would get “on his (Tompkins') bad side.”

Attached with this press release is:

1. The Notice of the Magistrate Hearing pertaining to BMC Roxbury District Court Criminal Complaint Docket #1302AC001538,

2. Boston Police Department Incident Report #130522530, and

3. A complaint from Bennett to the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission Enforcement Division asking to investigate Tompkins’ actions from August 14, 2013.

By Douglas Bennett - 8/8/13 - 9:59 am

According to Political Analyst Maryann Marsh, Cape and Islands state Senator Dan Wolf is going to quit the 2014 Governor’s race.

Click here to read more: http://www.capecodtoday.com/article/2013/08/07/21071-wolf-reported-have-dropped-out-guvs-race

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