Valentine's Day
And do what Lindsay Murdock is doing: Using the money to help local families by donating to Small Can Be Big, which connects local families in the Boston area with specific needs with people willing to help them out.
Pam loves the idea of those (locally made) candy saying hearts, but hates the taste, so she makes her own, out of shortbread.
HEARTBREAKERS BALL: A Queer Valentine's Day Party hosted by qwoc+ boston and madfemmepride
For singles looking for a midnight kiss, for couples looking to get off the couch, for the new-to-boston LADEEZ and ready-to-rock BOIS and GRRRRLS, throw on something HOT/COOL/SEXY/SULTRY/FLIRTY/FRESH and join Queer Women of Color and MadFemmePride on Valentine's day!
Thursday, Feb 14
SAINT Nightclub
8:30PM-11:00 FREE SOCIAL 11PM-2AM 21+, $5 Dance Party
Give us a shout and let us know you're coming: RSVP HERE (for free entry till midnight)
Anali remembers a great office Valentine's celebration - from 20 years ago.
Jolie has the perfect gift - a Xyron 500 Create-A-Sticker Machine. Miss Browneyedgirlie takes no chances - she gets herself a pink cell phone.
Ezra Englebardt explains why he hates the holiday:
A co-worker (yes, my co-workers are chatty today), reports problems with 1-800-Flowers yesterday and today:
I think the storm Sunday snarled all their deliveries out east. I was supposed to have flowers delivered to my mom on Monday, they still aren't there. Any call to the number gets hung up because they are so busy and I am now number 497 in an e-chat queue, down from 792. They guarantee 100% satisfaction. Right now, I am at 0%.
Anybody else not see flowers show up?
Update: Co-worker checks back in:
The Reluctant Housewife bakes a Valentine's cake (topped with strawberries, natch).
Georgia Lyle and friends celebrate in style:
... Happy day, all of you. I'm eating out early, early, then watching the finest of V-Day film genres with friends: women-in-prison flicks. ...
Megan offers photographic proof that Jimbo loves her.
The scene today at the Brooks Pharmacy in Roslindale (they actually had the Valentine's chocolate out before the New Year - nothing says "I love you" like some Russell Stover that's been sitting on the shelf for more than two months).
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