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Russian Benevolent Society

By adamg - 10/28/16 - 12:21 pm

The Boston Licensing Board decided yesterday that the Garage, 20 Linden St., could not have prevented a man they booted on Sept. 18 from getting shot in the head not long after on Pratt Street around the corner. Read more.

By adamg - 10/25/16 - 11:51 am

Boston Police report their investigation into a shooting outside the Garage club on Linden Street in Allston on Sept. 18 has been hampered by the fact that the victim, recovering from getting shot in the head, is refusing to cooperate with them. Read more.

By adamg - 4/12/13 - 6:43 am

The Boston Licensing Board yesterday ordered the Russian Benevolent Society to shut its Crystal restaurant in Allston for a day after its manager admitted letting customers buy whole bottles of vodka even after the board's chairwoman warned him not to.

Boston restaurants with full liquor licenses can offer bottle service but only after getting board permission, which Crystal didn't have. The restaurant was also letting customers take whole bottles back with them to their tables, which the board does not allow - it requires restaurants with permission to have a dedicated staffer at the table to pour the drinks.

By adamg - 4/9/13 - 2:00 pm

The Russian Benevolent Society admitted today it let patrons buy entire bottles of vodka even after the chairwoman of the Boston Licensing Board called its manager and told him not to. The club's lawyer said bottle service is very important to Russian culture.

The board decides Thursday what action, if any, to take for the citations issued by Boston Police detectives on an inspection on Feb. 17 at the society's Crystal restaurant on Linden Street in Allston.

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