By adamg - 7/7/13 - 12:16 pm

UPDATE: DCR reports the fountain is working fine - people just have to be patient after hitting the button:

By adamg - 4/13/13 - 2:35 pm

Fountain will supply water even in the dog days of summer. Photo by DCR.Fountain will supply water even in the dog days of summer. Photo by DCR.

Officials from the state Department of Conservation and Recreation and New Balance gathered in Artesani Park on the shores of the Charles this morning to cut a ribbon and official open a new year-round, three-faucet bubbler that will let thirsty runners, walkers and animals rehydrate, both through individual sips and by refilling their water bottles:

DCR Commissioner Ed Lambert fills 'er up. Photo by DCR.DCR Commissioner Ed Lambert loves that clean water. Photo by DCR.

By adamg - 4/12/13 - 8:20 am

The state Department of Conservation and Recreation and New Balance are holding a formal unveiling on Saturday morning - for a water bubbler in Artesani Pa