By adamg - Fri, 06/17/2022 - 2:51pm

Note: Updated with comments from a city spokesman.

Boston Police conducted active-shooter drills this week, including outside school, giving officers a chance to practice how they'd respond to a person with a high-capacity weapon running amok.

The only problem, at least at the Irving Middle School in Roslindale today, is that the school was locked down today and at least some teachers were told this was no drill. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 05/30/2019 - 11:52pm

At 9:07 tonight, a concerned citizen in Charlestown filed a 311 complaint about some bright lights in the big city, specifically, the spotlights across the harbor at Puopolo Park in the North End: Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 05/16/2014 - 11:47am

Firefighters responded to 559 Commercial St., where a crane fell over around 11:30 a.m., spilling an estimated 200 gallons of diesel fuel and hydraulic fluid and putting a major dent in a pickup truck across the street.

By adamg - Wed, 07/10/2013 - 1:55pm

Harbor ducks