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Channel 38

By adamg - 9/30/09 - 12:35 pm

That would be a great question to ask the manager, wouldn't it? In the meantime, there's the Channel 38 blockhead, who even has a Twitter feed (is that David Wade in disguise?).

By adamg - 3/2/09 - 1:51 pm

Here he is introducing a colorized episode from a Channel 38 "Twilight Zone" marathon (here he is back up in the Loft) - also features WBCN DJs doing various ridiculous things and a New England Telephone ad (back in the days when they actually advertised how you could call anywhere in eastern Mass. for five minutes for just a dollar - after 5 p.m.):

By adamg - 2/24/09 - 9:28 pm

The old Channel 38 clown had some snake:

By adamg - 10/17/07 - 7:09 pm

Just check out the lineup on this 1985 Channel 38 promo, posted by Tallboyyyy:

By adamg - 11/14/06 - 4:40 pm

No, me neither. But apparently, Channel 38 thinks somebody has, because Lobel and weatherdude Ken Barlow are swapping jobs for the next couple of nights on the 9:30 p.m. news, Jesse Noyes reports.

By adamg - 10/31/06 - 9:48 pm

On Irregahdless, Andrew Teman ranks local anchorwomen on their hotness (which, of course, leaves open the question of who will be the first to rank the anchormen, which leads to the question of who remembers the ill-fated pairing of the Anchorhunk and the Anchorette as an attempt to combat the Anchorcouple way back when).

By adamg - 10/27/06 - 6:33 pm

Cranky says that despite some tough competition, Channel 38's 9:30 newscast is the Hoover of local reportage:

... Looks like they just went to Home Depot and loaded up on stuff out of the clearance bin. I think those are metal wall studs sticking out of the anchors heads. Even the widescreen TV that the weather is presented on looks like the weekly loss-leader special at Best Buy.

By adamg - 9/15/06 - 3:57 pm

Because WLVI is just too perfect. In any case:

Dan Kennedy ponders the growing ownership concentration among local TV stations:

... The Boston TV market isn't going to become any less local -- but it is about to get more concentrated and less diverse. That's bad news you're not likely to see on 7 or 56. ...

Great. That's just what we need. More of the same, frets Steve Garfield, who wants Channel 38 to bring back Ask the Manager.

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