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Bromfield Street

By adamg - 10/20/14 - 5:20 pm

Police are looking for five men for a gunpoint robbery around 4:40 p.m. at Bromfield and Franklin streets.

The five, described as black, possibly Somali, then pedaled off towards Tremont Street, Manvi Arora reports. Two of the men were described as tall, one with flowing hair and wearing a Gucci belt. A witness reports another wore a red sweater under a dark blue jacket.

By adamg - 4/15/14 - 6:56 pm

A group of seven descended on a man and woman walking in Downtown Crossing Friday night and stopped beating the man only when they heard police sirens approaching, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

The attack came just two days after a group of 20 went on a robbery and beating spree downtown.

By adamg - 2/4/14 - 2:01 pm

An underage New Jersey woman with a driver's license that wasn't hers got herself and the Sidebar on Bromfield Street in trouble in December when a BPD detective on a routine inspection spotted her with a Bud Light and ferreted out her real age - by calling her mother.

Sgt. Det. William Gallagher and Det. William Mulvey told the Boston Licensing Board this morning that when they entered the Sidebar on Dec. 31, their attention was immediately drawn to a table of four young women.

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