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Unitarian Universalist Association

By adamg - 7/1/17 - 9:48 am

UU World reports that one of two Unitarian Universalist Association IT workers from the Boston area remains hospitalized with an "acute brain injury" after he and the other worker were beaten and robbed by four men as they walked in New Orleans last Saturday evening during an association conference there. Read more.

By adamg - 12/2/14 - 3:41 pm

The Zoning Board of Appeals next week hears a request from the new owners of the Unitarian Universalist Association headquarters at 25 Beacon St. to completely gut the building and turn it into nine condos and three apartments for au pairs.

SDC-DLJ, which bought 25 Beacon and two other UUA buildings next to the State House for $23.6 million earlier this year, needs zoning-board approval in part because city zoning prohibits au-pair units.

SDC-DLJ is a partnership of DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners, Sea-Dar Real Estate and CNW Capital Partners LLC.

By adamg - 2/14/14 - 8:56 am
Old and new UU logos

From old to new.

The Unitarian Universalist Association, based in Boston, today unveiled a new logo, as part of an overall branding strategy (yes, of course churches these days have branding strategies):

Our new logo, for many, will be the first introduction to who we are. It’s meant to entice a person to learn more. And it’s doing just that. Our random testing groups of UUs and non-UUs described emotions and images evoked by this logo with words such as brave, enlightening, warm, spiritual, energizing, having integrity, welcoming and determined.

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