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West Roxbury quarry

By adamg - 5/26/21 - 9:49 am
Moon over the West Roxbury Crushed Stone quarry

Marry Ellen photographically lassoed the moon over the West Roxbury Crushed Stone quarry off Centre and Grove streets last night.

Up north, Matt Frank captured the moon at the Tobin Bridge: Read more.

By adamg - 4/2/15 - 1:27 pm

Mayor Walsh has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reconsider its decision to allow construction of a large natural-gas pipeline down Washington and Grove Streets and a metering station across from the West Roxbury quarry to connect it to National Grid's system.

By adamg - 3/19/15 - 12:47 pm

Wicked Local West Roxbury reports the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave basic approval earlier this month to a pipeline company's New England expansion plans, which include a 4-mile pipeline from Westwood into West Roxbury.

If the commission approves Spectra Energy's specific construction plans this spring, construction on the $95-million West Roxbury Lateral pipeline could begin in May.

By adamg - 10/16/14 - 7:37 am

The Globe reports on neighborhood meeting at which residents blasted S.M. Lorusso & Sons' plans to turn the quarry into a receptacle for construction dirt from across the region. At issue: The traffic from all those trucks hauling the fill into the site and possible chemicals in the dirt.

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