Eileen Murphy photographed Eversource workers and a generator at K and East 6th streets around 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday as they worked an overnight shift to try to fix whatever went wrong with the power along K Street.
Brian Graves of South Boston files a rebuttal to the the lawsuit by the company whose proposed cannabis shop at K and East 1st streets was rejected by the zoning board earlier this year: He explains why the site is far from the "perfect" location Holland Brands says it is.
A father/son team that proposed a marijuana shop in a former industrial building in an industrial zone at East 1st and K streets in South Boston has sued the Zoning Board of Appeal, alleging a "vocal minority" of South Boston residents used their political heft to turn the board against the project despite its approval by the Boston Cannabis Board and support from other South Boston residents. Read more.
A concerned citizen files a complaint about improper manhole-cover placement on K Street in South Boston:
After cleaning this catch basin they put the cover on upside down. Manhole cover needs to be flipped over. It's a tripping hazard the way it is.
The Liquor and Wine Emporium, 336 K St., was held up at gunpoint around 10 p.m. by a white man, about 6' and medium build, in a black ski mask and all black clothes.
Capt. John Greland at C-6 reports somebody walking with a friend at E. 8 and K streets was robbed at gunpoint around 2:14 a.m. on Saturday. The suspect, described as a black male, fled in a white vehicle.
Boston Police report three men walking in the area of the Tynan School were attacked and beaten by a group of eight to ten white teens, many in white tank tops, at Emerson and K streets around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday. Read more.