By adamg - 6/23/21 - 12:05 pm

The American Water Works Association announces that a panel of people who know from municipal drinking water rated MWRA water the "best of the best" in an annual competition. Read more.

Quabbin reservoir
By adamg - 9/4/17 - 11:36 am

We took the scenic route out to Amherst to drop the kidlet off at school this weekend (2 to 202 to 9), but instead of heading straight there, once we got to Rte. 9, we headed east for a couple miles to check out our main source of water, the Quabbin Reservoir. Read more.

By adamg - 6/28/17 - 11:10 am

Pro tip: Before you send up your camera-equipped drone, make sure the camera is securely fastened. The MWRA says a crew using a professional-grade drone and camera (weighing about 100 pounds in total) learned that lesson last night when their camera separated from their drone and fell into the Quabbin Reservoir. Read more.

By adamg - 2/26/16 - 8:19 am

Turns out that only three of the four towns evacuated to make way for the Quabbin Reservoir are mostly submerged under the water. Roadtripnewengland recently visited the ex-town of Dana, which is still mostly above water.

Via Boston Reddit.