By adamg - 9/11/09 - 9:08 pm

Guess it's a good thing I keep my scorecard in pencil.

By adamg - 9/10/09 - 2:56 pm spins an interesting answer to the question of why a guy who hasn't lived here in 25 years and who is best known as consigliere to one of the most unpopular presidents in the state would want to run for U.S. Senate: It's not really about Massachusetts. Card would run in an election with national attention (and with local coverage that reaches into New Hampshire) to let the Republicans test various themes and messages for the 2010 fall elections.

Dan Kennedy has a theory, too - that Card is really just using the Senate race to gain visibility for a run at the governor's seat.

By adamg - 9/2/09 - 10:47 pm

Andy Card, one-time Mass. state rep. and more recently chief of staff under W., tells Channel 4 he is thinking about running for Ted Kennedy's seat:

... Card lives in McLean, Virginia now, but says he still considers Holbrook, Massachusetts, his home. ...

By adamg - 3/28/06 - 1:05 pm

Card's from Massachusetts, after all. Dan Kennedy doubts it.