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West Brookline Street

By adamg - 5/3/17 - 11:43 am

A concerned citizen who lives at the intersection of Washington Street with West and East Brookline streets in the South End files a complaint:

Samsung is [filming] a back pack commercial on our stoop without permission or permits. Also, taking up two sidewalks with film materials.

By adamg - 4/6/17 - 11:45 pm

A federal grand jury today indicted Francisco Torres, 37, of Mattapan, on two counts of distributing cocaine and one count of conspiring with others to distribute cocaine. Read more.

By adamg - 5/9/16 - 8:20 am

Boston Police report arresting a gun-toting man whom security guards had overheard declaiming he was going to shoot somebody before entering a West Dedham Street building Friday night. Read more.

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