Boston Police report arresting a man they say was running around outside the Dubliner, 2 Center Plaza downtown, early Sunday morning, chasing exiting customers and attacking two of them. Read more.
A Back Bay consulting company that had sued Twitter for not paying a bill for services rendered last week dismissed the suit after previously telling the judge it and Twitter were working to resolve the case. Read more.
The owners of the Washington pub called the Dubliner today sued the owners of the Government Center pub called the Dubliner for trademark infringement, saying another pub with the same name would confuse consumers, even if they are 430 miles apart, because the Washington pub also has its own brand of Irish whiskey that is for sale in Boston. Read more
The owner of Center Plaza across from CIty Hall today sued Twitter, alleging the company continues to use its third-floor office space even though it stopped paying rent after November. Read more.
Update: License transfer approved.
The new owners of the Kinsale Irish Pub at Center Plaza say they're hoping to re-open in four to five weeks with pretty much the same look as before, but under the new name of the Dubliner. Read more.
Kelley Duff noticed this morning that the 7-Eleven in Center Plaza downtown is not messing around.
Ed. note: Boston issued an advisory, not an order, to wear masks.
Sarah Bourne snapped the plants where an escalator used to be at Center Plaza on Cambridge Street. There's a new public-access elevator to the left of the stairs.
A concerned citizen complains about the pedestrian crossing where Cambridge Street turns into Tremont downtown:
The walk signal here is chirping birds. The problem is that there are nests of real birds above the Center3Plaza signage. A walker can't differentiate between the chirping signal and the real birds. Someone's gonna get killed here.