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E.B. Horn

By adamg - 10/10/18 - 3:56 pm
Window damage

As Glenn Whidden discovered this morning, whoever tried smashing his way in didn't succeed, but did leave behind evidence in the form of the pipe he used and his blood from where he cut himself on the window. The store was closed at lunchtime.

By adamg - 11/9/16 - 10:39 am

Horn's Jeweler, 339 Washington St., will change its name so nobody will confuse it with E.B. Horn, which has been operating in downtown Boston since 1839. Read more.

By adamg - 6/21/16 - 2:37 pm

A federal judge has denied a request from E.B. Horn that she order Horn's Jewelers to immediately stop using that name because the older store waited two years after the upstart opened to file a trademark lawsuit and is still in business, which proves it's not suffering "irreparable harm" from its rival down Washington Street. Read more.

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