By adamg - 8/16/18 - 11:45 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports the state has appointed BPS veteran Michael Contompasis as receiver of the Dever School on Columbia Point to try to turn around the low-ranking school.

Contompasis long served as headmaster at Boston Latin School before serving as superintendent and BPS COO. He retired, then went back to BLS as interim headmaster in 2016 after Headmaster Lynne Mooney Teta quit following the Black Lives Matter controversy there.

By adamg - 8/23/16 - 9:47 am

WBUR interviews Michael Contompasis on his return to the school he once led; he says he's trying to figure out a social-media policy for "acceptable behavior" online. Also, BLS has hired a full-time staffer just to communicate with parents; whom he promises will be notified as soon as some sort of incident happens at the school.

Contompasis is serving as interim headmaster until Superintendent Tommy Chang hires a permanent replacement for Lynne Mooney Teta, who resigned in June after several months of turmoil