16 years 6 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/17/14 - 1:47 pm Plenty of (rich) people buy BRA approves 12-story residential building atop old Greenway parking lot 45
10/17/14 - 12:23 pm Why DMUs? Fairmount Line to get hourly weekend service 50
10/17/14 - 12:16 pm Why assume that 3 bedroom = 1 BRA approves 12-story residential building atop old Greenway parking lot 45
10/9/14 - 12:29 pm It is not a frivolous lawsuit Man shocked to find preservatives in his fruit cups, so naturally, he sues 59
9/25/14 - 5:27 pm I had the exact same issue. Boston man says his passport should be good enough ID to get a gun license 36
9/23/14 - 9:49 am I believe bumpers were Parking, Southie style 66
9/19/14 - 4:06 pm You know this for a fact? Too bad subway trains don't have roof racks 38
9/19/14 - 4:05 pm Care to cite the rule? Too bad subway trains don't have roof racks 38
9/17/14 - 1:10 pm If youre making a right turn, Police in Brookline ponder letting bicyclists treat stop signs like yield signs 84
9/10/14 - 12:28 pm "he would first post City officials back 24-hour drive-thru at East Boston McDonald's 14
9/3/14 - 5:09 pm "Fine then, stop subsidizing Continued increases in T ridership mask declines on the Green Line, commuter rail 50
9/3/14 - 12:25 pm Speed Continued increases in T ridership mask declines on the Green Line, commuter rail 50
7/22/14 - 9:51 am Not parking in front of a Brookline's dumb parking signs 38
7/21/14 - 5:11 pm I know that. But it should be Brookline's dumb parking signs 38
7/21/14 - 4:01 pm The sign could definitely be Brookline's dumb parking signs 38
7/10/14 - 1:35 pm The teen remains in the Man with lengthy record of motor-vehicle infractions charged with running down teen on a scooter, fleeing on wrong side of Columbia Road 39
7/8/14 - 9:17 am If youre looking for customer Is white the best color for the commuter-rail lobby at Back Bay? 47
7/8/14 - 9:14 am I dont mind it. I find the Is white the best color for the commuter-rail lobby at Back Bay? 47
7/7/14 - 5:46 pm ...You do realize that the Is white the best color for the commuter-rail lobby at Back Bay? 47
7/7/14 - 4:20 pm I took Amtrak from there Is white the best color for the commuter-rail lobby at Back Bay? 47
6/30/14 - 12:01 pm Conservatives love planting Just when you thought Dan Shaughnessy had the stupidest thing to say about the World Cup 64
6/27/14 - 1:29 pm Good idea, but looks like City gets solar-powered park benches 18
6/24/14 - 4:01 pm The world cup is scheduled City to put US/Germany match on big screen at City Hall Plaza 27
6/23/14 - 1:17 pm The US Open Cup has teams of Dan Shaughnessy is that kid who doesn't like peas - only he never grew up 40
6/23/14 - 12:00 pm For last night, ESPN only Dan Shaughnessy is that kid who doesn't like peas - only he never grew up 40
6/23/14 - 9:42 am You see these old trolls Dan Shaughnessy is that kid who doesn't like peas - only he never grew up 40
6/19/14 - 4:52 pm Hell no. If you want a new Where to open Universal Hub links? 48
4/10/14 - 1:24 am I enjoy the picture as much This is what happens to the cars of morons who park in front of hydrants 108
3/17/14 - 2:40 pm That would probably be a The new late-night T schedules are out 29
3/17/14 - 12:01 pm Yes, theyre on the website. The new late-night T schedules are out 29
3/17/14 - 10:17 am Because The new late-night T schedules are out 29
3/16/14 - 8:28 pm Poor Design Center :( The new late-night T schedules are out 29
3/13/14 - 1:25 pm The key bus routes were Late-night weekend T service starts March 28; is 24-hour service a possibility long term? 105
3/13/14 - 1:24 pm It seems many of you exist in Late-night weekend T service starts March 28; is 24-hour service a possibility long term? 105
3/13/14 - 1:20 pm Every major city in the world Late-night weekend T service starts March 28; is 24-hour service a possibility long term? 105
3/7/14 - 4:59 pm If bar A closes at 2:00am, Walsh wants to look at letting some bars stay open until 3:30 a.m. 75
2/28/14 - 9:56 am "In addition, firms could add What, Citizens Bank didn't want to buy the naming rights to State Street? 26
2/25/14 - 12:45 am Wrong question. Yuengling 55
2/15/14 - 4:51 pm The first sticker should not How come Boston doesn't charge for resident parking permits? 56
2/15/14 - 2:45 pm I pay for milk and eggs. Even How come Boston doesn't charge for resident parking permits? 56
2/15/14 - 2:43 pm Its criminal that it doesnt. How come Boston doesn't charge for resident parking permits? 56
2/4/14 - 10:26 pm This way the contractor gets CharlieCard holders held hostage, Day 2 23
2/4/14 - 10:25 pm If only the Boston area had CharlieCard holders held hostage, Day 2 23
2/3/14 - 3:28 pm The worst is the arbitrary Sudden burst of expiring CharlieCards? 37
2/3/14 - 2:04 pm Sure, the cards last 10 years Sudden burst of expiring CharlieCards? 37
12/13/13 - 1:14 pm I can't be the only one Your morning dead-train report 13
11/29/13 - 1:35 am I thought it was just MA, RI Giving thanks for the Puritans 13
11/21/13 - 4:27 pm Why can John Doe open his Restaurant owners to fight plan to increase minimum wage for servers 70
11/21/13 - 2:46 pm For fucks sake, the example Restaurant owners to fight plan to increase minimum wage for servers 70
11/21/13 - 1:14 pm Of course I listed chains, Restaurant owners to fight plan to increase minimum wage for servers 70


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