Member for 16 years 5 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 10/30/13 - 11:07 am Thanks The fires of Somerville on a map 9 10/16/13 - 9:54 am Old campaign, taking off recently for some reason Probably not a pipe, either 22 10/16/13 - 9:47 am Proper credit, please Probably not a pipe, either 22 7/16/13 - 12:44 pm More photos of the park… East Somerville gets new playground that isn't like all the other playgrounds 3 6/10/13 - 4:32 pm Exactly Marathon explosions make Harvard Law student realize Boston is not worthy of her hate 29 1/28/13 - 7:35 pm I think this is on the right track Pointless violence in Park Square garage sends two to the hospital 35 1/28/13 - 6:48 pm Interesting variations in the way this is covered Pointless violence in Park Square garage sends two to the hospital 35 1/28/13 - 11:43 am Dorchester Ave Corner building 11 1/25/13 - 2:34 pm Strenuous agreement? Brookline considers secession 32 1/25/13 - 2:15 pm No hits for it on their site An existential hamburger cri de coeur 2 1/24/13 - 1:58 pm Turning to the ever infallible Wikipedia… Brookline considers secession 32 12/11/12 - 10:22 am How much to small purchases add up to? State push to collect sales tax from Amazon could end revenue source for area Web sites 13 12/7/12 - 2:04 pm A trifling quibble There'll always be a Cambridge 4 11/21/12 - 10:59 am Ah, so I wasn't missing a reference then… State push to collect sales tax from Amazon could end revenue source for area Web sites 13 11/21/12 - 10:23 am Department of redundancy department State push to collect sales tax from Amazon could end revenue source for area Web sites 13 10/26/12 - 2:26 pm Oh man… This won't help people with an aversion to clowns 4 9/28/12 - 11:50 am I wasn't around back then, but… MIT to get new Dome light 11 9/26/12 - 4:44 pm You guys are obviously not Mac nerds :-) Drop a camera in the Public Garden Lagoon in June, 2010? Company has your photos 8 9/26/12 - 1:12 pm That makes sense, actually Passionate about education along the Charles in Cambridge 11 9/19/12 - 1:40 pm “Medium” Councilor wants to ban medium Dunk's cups and other plasticy food containers 43 8/23/12 - 4:21 pm Yea, what's up with that race? Two running for one of those offices that lost any reason to be an elective office 200 years ago 7 7/12/12 - 12:27 pm So they're throwing the bus driver under the bus? Police union says newsletter protesters suck, but is asking for more members to write for it to reduce the hateful taint 21 7/5/12 - 7:22 pm Yeah, that seems to be the idea, but… WFNX to become right-wing wankfest? 73 7/5/12 - 7:19 pm One way to find out WFNX to become right-wing wankfest? 73 7/5/12 - 5:46 pm True, to an extent WFNX to become right-wing wankfest? 73 7/5/12 - 4:22 pm And they're moving their office too, right ? WFNX to become right-wing wankfest? 73 7/5/12 - 12:04 pm Ding! Ding! Ding! Citizen complaint of the day: Damn, that's a big hole 22 6/28/12 - 1:12 pm YES Another Boston station bites the dust 35 6/28/12 - 10:45 am Yeah… good riddance to “modern oldies” Another Boston station bites the dust 35 6/27/12 - 3:45 pm Not such a bad idea So what do you do with 3.4 million tokens? 34 6/27/12 - 3:42 pm Let's not be hasty about this: how much would it cost? Boylston holstered the still smoking gun - the cops were on their way, armed with questions he wasn't ready to answer 38 6/27/12 - 1:46 pm Could a local news site that has them for a logo use them? So what do you do with 3.4 million tokens? 34 5/17/12 - 11:28 am YEAAAAHHHHHH! Be vewwy, vewwy quiet - he's hunting mushwooms 20 4/23/12 - 6:12 pm Not in detail, no, but I did get to play it Giant Tetris at MIT 4 4/11/12 - 11:58 am In re “it's a semi-polluted body of water” — is it so? Body of missing BC student found in Chestnut Hill Reservoir 32 3/16/12 - 12:52 pm I've made a couple of these, might re-create this one From Cambridge to Brookline in three minutes (including a spin around South Boston) 36 12/28/11 - 3:02 pm Geography lessons Stop the presses: He knows the mayor of Boston 14 10/24/11 - 4:42 pm The most important question is being overlooked… Proof the mayor of Somerville doesn't hate Columbus Day or Hallloween 9 10/24/11 - 9:16 am Phew! Another Massachusetts presidential candidate 1 10/5/11 - 10:19 am Wait, people went to Friendly's for food ? No happy ending for 30 Mass. Friendly's 23 10/4/11 - 9:35 am A solution too simple to work? Truck wars: Cambridge councilor proposes reversing flow of main route to force trucks into Boston 34 9/20/11 - 11:22 am Seems like it Three-alarm fire rips through Fort Point building; two firefighters injured 16 9/20/11 - 7:26 am More from a building occupant Three-alarm fire rips through Fort Point building; two firefighters injured 16 9/20/11 - 12:42 am Yikes! My dad works in this building :-( Three-alarm fire rips through Fort Point building; two firefighters injured 16 9/13/11 - 12:02 pm Chestnut Hill 02467 How not to get a visit by the police at 2 a.m. or be cited to the Dean of Students 33 9/12/11 - 1:36 am Is there a generally agreed upon map of this anywhere? How not to get a visit by the police at 2 a.m. or be cited to the Dean of Students 33 8/31/11 - 1:03 pm This thing has been prowling the area for years After he calmed down, Mad Max retired to Allston 8 8/26/11 - 10:43 am Well don't just stop there... Earworm epidemic rages through nation's newsrooms as hurricane bears down on coast 12 8/25/11 - 11:27 am Then again, it's been falling apart steadily Bye-bye, Banksy 15 8/23/11 - 5:49 pm I'm not that high up Quake! 78 Pages« first‹ previous123next ›last » My articles